Cigar manufacturer Davidoff are relaunching their iconic 702 series of cigars in Febuarary 2017. The only change from their previous 702 cigars is that the new ones will feature an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
Charles Awad, senior vice president of global marketing and innovation at Davidoff said: “It is time to unexpect. Davidoff Masterblenders have taken on the challenge to reimagine and reinvent our most iconic cigars – No. 2, 2000, Special R, Aniversario No. 3 among others – and give them an exciting twist for those seeking a more intense, bolder taste experience. These cigars, that have defined and refined time, are wrapped in the new 702 Habano wrapper from Ecuador to give them a bolder edge. The 702 Series is an exciting opportunity for those who have not yet had the chance to discover, or may want to rediscover, these iconic cigars.”