The newest make up collection was released by Mac Cosmetics yesterday when their Selena collection hit the stores. The popularity was so much that some stores were even limiting the number of items that each customer could buy, scuppering some people from buying the complete collection!
The Selena collection, named after Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, the American singer who was killed in 1995, has been released by MAC after fans had created a petition which received over 37,000 signatures.
Here’s what Suzette Quintanilla, Selena’s sister said about the collection when it was announced earlier this year: “I wanted the colors to be about her personally, what she wore on and offstage. She has been gone for 21 years already, and for this collaboration to happen, it’s pretty much incredible. It just shows the love her fan base has even though she’s gone; that her music still lives on and her legacy has grown tremendously since she’s passed. It’s a great honor to have MAC collaborate with Selena’s name and her fans — for her fans.”