Table of Contents
Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Geneva Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Geneva Zračna luka (GVA)
Adresa: | Route de l'Aéroport 21, 1215 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland |
Grad: | Geneva |
Zemlja: | Switzerland |
Telefon: | +41 22 717 71 11 |
Web stranica: | |
Cvrkut: | |
Facebook: | |
Dolasci: | Geneva (GVA) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Geneva (GVA) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | 46.23809814, 6.108950138 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: |
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Geneva Zračna luka (IATA: GVA, ICAO: LSGG), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Geneva područje u Switzerland. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Geneva Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 43 trgovine, 4 kavane, i 15 restorana na Geneva Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Geneva Airport is the main international airport of Switzerland’s western coast. Located in Cointrin, this facility covers an area of over 210 hectares and features two asphalt runways for travelers to enjoy.
The terminal at Geneva Airport provides everything needed for a pleasant experience when flying into this region of Switzerland. Passengers can check-in via counters while there are plenty of restaurants, cafes and shops throughout the facility offering refreshments, snacks and goods if you need something before or after your flight! Car rental desks are also available nearby for those wishing to explore more of Switzerland during their stay.
Safety is taken seriously at Geneva Airport – with advanced electronic checking systems in place as well as helpful customer service personnel ready to provide any assistance required by travellers. All passengers must follow the strict regulations outlined by staff when travelling through this facility for their own safety.
Overall, Geneva Airport continues to be one the most popular airports along Switzerland’s western border – allowing travelers to enjoy modern amenities within a secure environment! From its convenient location close to central Geneva down to its range of comfortable facilities – it’s no wonder why so many flock here each year!
Često postavljana pitanja o Geneva Zračna luka
Potrebno je otprilike 17 mins voziti 4.1 mi (6.6 kilometara) između središta Geneva i Geneva Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar GVA zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od Switzerland.
Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Geneva Zračna luka.
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 19 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 43 različite trgovine oko Geneva Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Air Watch Center
- Bongenie
- Buzzano
- Caran d'Ache
- Caviar House & Prunier
- Chopard
- Duty Free Arrivals
- Duty Free Express
- Duty Free Store
- Fleuriot
- Hermes
- Hour Passion
- Interdiscount
- K Kiosk
- Kiosques AGS
- Leaders Electronics
- Librairie Payot
- Manor
- Martel Chocolaterie
- Montblanc
- Montreux Jazz Shop
- Omega
- Pharmacie Principale
- Ralph Lauren
- Rolex
- Schweizer Heimatwerk
- Sprungli
- Swatch
- Swatch ASG
- Swiss Chocolate
- Tekoe
- Ticket Corner
- Victoria's Secret
- Victorinox
- Your Fashion Store
- All you need Bar & Shop
- Breaktime
- Caviar House & Prunier Seafood Bar
- Goodie Healthy Food
- Il Forno
- Le Bar
- Le Bistrot Genève
- Le Bistrot Genève Bar
- Le Cellier
- Le Chef
- Le Pret-a-manger de Gilles Desplanches
- Martel - Tea Room
- McDonald's
- Moleskine Cafe
- Montreux Jazz Cafe
- Piaggio
- Seven Spices
- Starbucks
- Street Food
- Swiss Chalet
- Thai Urban Kitchen
- The Hub N Co
- Air France
- British Airways
- Dnata Lounge
- Premium geneva
- Swissport Horizon
Geneva Zračna luka (GVA/LSGG) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Geneva Zračna luka:
- Departure Transit
- Check-In French
- +4122 717 84 14
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 818 12 41
- Open 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- After Sigurnost
- Departure Transit
- +4122 798 11 11
- Open from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- 4122 717 86 22
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 338 08 38
- from 06:00 to 21:00.
- Departure Transit
- +41 22 717 85 38
- Open 7 days per week, from 5:00 am until the last
- Departure Transit
- +4122 717 84 14
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Departures
- +41 22 555 94 60
- Departure Transit
- +4122 799 34 55
- 7/7 from 06:30 to 23:30.
- Arrivals
- +4122 799 34 59
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departure Transit
- +4122 799 34 59
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departure Transit
- +4122 799 39 05
- /7 from 5 am until the last flight.
- Check-In French
- +4122 799 39 05
- /7 from 5 am until the last flight.
- Departure Transit
- +4122 798 54 28
- 7/7 de 08:00 à 21:00
- Arrivals
- +4122 788 00 61
- 7/7 from 04:30 to 22:30.
- Departure Public
- After Sigurnost
- +4122 791 07 41
- Ouvert 7/7 de 6:00 à 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 817 48 37/38
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departure
- +4122 817 46 64
- 7/7 from 05:00am to 10:00pm
- Departure Public
- +4122 920 30 91
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 798 57 81
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 22:00
- Departure Public
- +4122 788 34 12
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departrures
- +4122 798 25 51
- Arrival kiosk: 7/7 from 07:00 to 21:00
- Arrival
- +4122 308 05 72
- Check-In Swiss
- +4122 798 35 72
- 7/7 de 05:30 à 21:00
- Check-In
- After Sigurnost
- +4122 344 97 44
- 7/7 de 05:30 à 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 817 46 36
- 7/7 starting 30 minutes before the first flight un
- Departure Transit
- +4122 817 46 36
- 7/7 starting 30 minutes before the first flight un
- Departure Transit
- +4122 717 76 18
- /7 de 05:00 jusquau dernier vol.
- Check-In French
- 4122 817 46 09
- 7/7, 07:00-22:00 (can be extended on demand for pr
- Departure Public
- +4122 788 54 20
- 7/7 from 04:30 to 22:00.
- Departure Public
- +4122 920 07 17
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 788 21 09
- 7/7 de 05:30 à 22:00
- Departure
- +4122 788 21 09
- 7/7 de 05:30 à 22:00
- Departures
- +4122 798 23 77
- From 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 791 09 36
- 7/7 from 07:00 to 20:00
- Arrivals
- +4122 798 30 81
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 798 30 81
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Arrivals
- +4122 817 46 57
- 7/7, de 06:00 à 22:00
- Departure Public
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +41 22 717 85 40
- 7/7 from 4.30 until the last flight
- +4122 717 86 19
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- After Sigurnost
- +41 22 717 85 42
- 7/7 de 04.30 jusquau dernier vol
- Departure Transit
- +4122 817 46 40
- 7/7 from 07:00 to 22:00 (order to 21:00)
- Arrivals
- +4122 817 46 45
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 23:00
- Arrivals
- After Sigurnost
- +41 22 817 48 36
- 7/7 von 06:00 bis 21:00
- Departure
- +4122 798 15 72
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- +41 22 717 85 38
- 7/7 from 04.30 until the last flight.
- Departure Transit
- +4122 799 31 42
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 717 84 18
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departure Transit
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +4122 788 33 00
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Departure Transit
- +4122 817 46 63
- 7/7 from 11am to 10pm.
- Departure Public
- +4144 224 46 46
- 7/7 de 06:00 à 21:00
- Transit Level
- +4122 817 46 80
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 22:00
- Departure Public
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +41 22 717 85 43
- 7/7 from 04.30 until the last flight.
- Departure Transit
- +4122 817 48 40
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 798 35 72
- 7/7 de 05:30 à 21:00
- Departures
- 4122 799 33 48
- Departure Transit
- +4122 799 37 60
- Check-In French
- +4122 717 76 08
- 7/7 open from 07:00 to 22:00
- Arrivals
- +4122 717 76 19
- 7/7 from 05:00 am to 09:00 pm
- Departures
- +4122 799 33 49
- Departure Transit
- Open 7/7
- Mezzanine
- +4122 788 31 62
- 7/7, from 07:00 to 21:00
- Arrivals
- +4122 817 46 62
- 7/7 from 9am to 10pm.
- Departure Public
- 0512 25 22 31
- Railway Station
- +41227993457
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departure
- Posjetite web stranicu
- +4122 717 86 21
- 7/7 from 05:30 to 21:00
- Departures
- +4122 799 31 79
- 7/7 from 06:00 to 21:00
- Departures
Geneva Zračna luka Recenzije
Karta od Geneva Zračna luka
Kliknite za pregled karteNajnoviji članci o Geneva Zračna luka
Swiss reconnects Zürich and London City Airport
London City Airport has welcomed the restoration of connections to Zürich (ZRH), with Swiss to resume flying to Switzerland’s largest city from today. The carrier will initially operate two rotations per week. The schedule will increase in line with the anticipated surges in demand for leisure and business travel as travel restrictions are relaxed in […]
Kleffner handed top finance role with Kempinski
Kempinski Hotels has appointed Marcel Kleffner to the role of vice president, finance, in Europe. He will be based at the company’s corporate office in Geneva. The news comes at the end of a busy week for Kempinski, with the luxury hotel company also making senior appointments in development and human resources. In his new […]
British Airways opens new first class lounge at JFK Terminal 7
British Airways has opened a new First lounge at New York’s JFK Terminal 7. Gold cardholders and customers travelling in the airline’s First cabin will be able to use the lounge. BA has rolled out a new design concept of its First lounges already introduced in Rome and Aberdeen. New York JFK is the first […]
Qatar Airways brings A350 to Greece for first time
Qatar Airways has become the first airline to fly the state-of-the-art Airbus A350 to Greece. The airline temporarily upgraded its current triple-daily service to Athens to an ultra-modern A350 on Monday, with the arrival of the flight greeted by a water cannon salute at Athens International Airport. Qatar Airways Group chief executive, Akbar Al Baker, […]
Qatar Airways takes Airbus A350 to Maldives for first time
Qatar Airways has become the first airline to fly the state-of-the-art Airbus A350 to the Maldives. The airline has upgraded its current double-daily A330 service to an A350, with the first A350 beginning operations today and the second A350 service joining shortly afterwards on November 3rd. Qatar Airways chief executive, Akbar Al Baker, said: “We […]
Ruby chocolate and blue wine: coming to a travel retail store near you?
Swiss B2B chocolate and cocoa manufacturer Barry Callebaut has launched a ruby-coloured chocolate, which it claims is the first new natural chocolate colour since the white variety was introduced 80 years ago. At an exclusive event in Shanghai earlier this week, the company said the ‘fourth’ chocolate – after milk, dark and white – is […]