Connecting with young people: SSP and Manchester Airport set up apprenticeship programme

UK. SSP has partnered with Manchester Airport for an apprenticeship programme which will offer 40 roles at the food & beverage company.

Over 25 education professionals across Cheshire and Greater Manchester visited the UK airport to learn about the catering and hospitality apprentice programme this week.

The programme has been undertaken in collaboration with the onsite Airport Academy, which is run in conjunction with Stockport College. The tour comes before the start of National Apprenticeship Week between 5 and 9 March.

A full day workshop at the airport offered the education professionals the chance to learn about the programme. It is anticipated that they will now go back to their colleges and institutions to tailor their courses to further help their students develop the skills needed for the roles available.

The workshop day included an overview of the Airport Academy, an introduction to SSP, and a tour of Terminal 2. Many of SSP’s outlets, such as The Cabin, Spinning Jenny and Upper Crust, are located there. The education professionals also received information on the skills, qualifications and qualities needed to excel on the apprenticeship scheme.

The SSP roles on offer include team members, bar staff, waiting staff, baristas, chefs and production staff. Through the apprenticeship, students can gain Level 3 & Level 4 qualifications, working towards team leader/deputy manager & general manager roles.

“We are delighted to be working alongside Manchester Airport to deliver this initiative, which will help education providers across the North West [of the UK] get access to the latest roles available,” said SSP Head of Learning & Development Martin Walder.

“Not only can they find out about the apprenticeship scheme, they can find out exactly what we want as an employer and gain a glimpse into what we offer employees. This in turn makes it much easier for them to sell the opportunity to their students. We look forward to rolling out this scheme wider to ensure other colleges and institutions can gain access.”

The tour included a virtual reality look at the airport’s £1 billion (US$1.4 billion) transformation programme

Member of Parliament for Wythenshawe and Sale East Mike Kane commented: “The continued growth of the airport and the enterprise zone is vital for the region’s growth, and employment, but if we don’t connect these opportunities to young people and residents in the region then we will be missing a huge opportunity.

“It’s great to see the airport taking a lead and working with its partners to ensure the benefits of having such an engine of growth in Greater Manchester are felt by local communities.”

Stockport and Trafford College Director of Corporate Development Nik Walker said: “What a great initiative from Manchester Airport and SSP. Interactive days like these are vital for education providers to understand the skills required of the employer.

“[This ensures] the best fit in terms of impact and effectiveness in the workplace for when learners go on to apprenticeships and the start of their careers. This is yet another fantastic example of how Manchester Airport is demonstrating its commitment to developing skills in the region.”

SSP currently employs over 500 staff at Manchester Airport.

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