In search of a perfect 10: Bombay Sapphire steps up mission to become world’s most sustainable gin

Bacardi Limited-owned Bombay Sapphire gin is on track to have all of its ten botanical ingredients certified sustainable in 2021.

With the suppliers of eight botanicals already certified according to the Ecocert For Life standard, the brand’s goal is for the remaining two producers – for grains of paradise from Ghana and liquorice from China – to be certified in the months following the lifting of travel restrictions.

Bacardi said the brand’s success is a “major step” towards the company achieving its 2025 goal of sourcing 100% of its key ingredients from sustainably certified suppliers.

According to Bacardi, the ten botanicals, which include juniper from Tuscany, coriander from Morocco, lemon peel from Spain and cubeb berries from Java, are hand selected by Bombay Sapphire Master of Botanicals Ivano Tonutti.

Bombay Sapphire Master of Botanicals Ivano Tonutti (right) talks botanicals with a juniper berry farmer in Tuscany

The Ecocert For Life certification recognises Bacardi and Tonutti’s commitment to work only with suppliers who act responsibly and ensure a sustainable future for farmers, their communities and the environment.

Bombay Sapphire’s focus on sustainability includes investments in innovations offering creative solutions to complex challenges.

“When the Bombay Sapphire distillery opened in Laverstoke, England, in 2014, it set a new standard for sustainability by showcasing many such innovations,” Bacardi said. The distillery’s design was rated ‘outstanding’ by BREEAM, the most recognised environmental assessment for buildings.

Spicy grains of paradise from Ghana find their way into Sapphire Bombay

Tonutti underlined Bombay Sapphire’s 360-degree approach to sustainability. “It’s our responsibility to care as much about the farmers and their communities as we do the botanicals they grow and harvest for Bombay Sapphire.

“By looking after their wellbeing and investing in sustainable farming practices, we are helping to protect the environment and their livelihoods for generations to come.”

An example of this in practice is a village in Ghana where, over a number of years, Bacardi has worked with local non-governmental organisation AIESEC to help the community establish itself as an independent farming cooperative. The collaboration has led to the instalment of a water pump which supplies the village with fresh water and the recruitment of an agronomist.

This year the village will harvest its first crop of grains of paradise for Bombay Sapphire.

Ecocert CEO Philippe Thomazo commented: “For Life certification gives consumers peace of mind that ingredients are coming from organisations committed to continuous improvement.

“For Life means that suppliers growing and harvesting the certified botanicals for Bombay Sapphire are acting responsibly in every respect.”

Cubeb berries from Java, juniper berries from Tuscany, Italy, and lemon peel from Spain are all included in the Bombay Sapphire botanicals line-up

Bombay Sapphire Vice President Natasha Curtin added: “I am incredibly proud of this latest achievement by Ivano and his team but as an industry, we must all invest in a more sustainable future.

“Ivano has spent more than 20 years building close relationships with our farmers and suppliers around the world. With his experience and expertise, we have created a blueprint for the sustainable sourcing of botanicals, which we hope will inspire others to do the same.”

Bacardi emphasised its close collaboration with its suppliers to help them achieve For Life certification. To be certified, suppliers must commit to continuous improvement in the following areas:

  • the wellbeing of the people involved in the harvesting and supply of the botanicals
  • the reduction of their environmental impact
  • their responsible purchasing practices
  • sustainable development at a local level and key stages in the supply chain.

Click here for further details on Bacardi’s sustainability commitments and its vision to become the most environmentally responsible global spirits company.

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유럽 최고의 휴양지

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이지젯, 판타지 윙스와 협력하여 고객 경험 향상 도모

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