Newcastle Airport Launches Masterplan 2035  

Newcastle International Airport (IATA: NCL) has launched its vision for the future with its Masterplan 2035, and started a consultation aimed at getting the views of the public and stakeholders.

The airport says the draft plan sets out its goals for its centenary year and enable it to compete in the global economy whilst delivering significant economic benefits to the North East, surrounding regions and the rest of the UK.

Passenger numbers, which reached 5.35 million in 2017, are expected to continue to grow through the years to 2035 and the airport says that it aims to ensure that passengers won’t need to travel via airports outside of the region. It also sets out aims to support an increase in inbound tourism. It notes that in order to ensure that all possible impacts are considered, the Masterplan is based upon a high forecast growth scenario of up to 9.4 million passengers by 2035.

The airport hopes that future improvements in aircraft performance will mean that future destinations can be served from its existing runway, but notes that it is prudent for the Masterplan: “to safeguard for a possible runway extension in case aircraft performance improvements beyond those that are already known about do not materialise. With this in mind, a possible extension of [2,296ft] 700m at the eastern end has been safeguarded, thereby ensuring that the North East has the opportunity to secure new long-haul air routes in the future.”

The plan is supported by a full environmental appraisal and includes a range of proposed measures to mitigate any environmental impacts, including in respect of noise, air quality, drainage, energy and biodiversity. It also has a Surface Access Strategy, which proposes continued working with partners across the region to improve road and rail services.

Nick Jones, Chief Executive Officer at Newcastle International Airport, said: “I’m delighted to unveil our Masterplan 2035. Newcastle International has gone from strength to strength in recent years and we’ve set out a clear plan of action to continue to grow our airport to ensure it can compete in the global economy. In the years to come, the connectivity provided by the airport will be even more important, and that’s why this plan seeks to safeguard for the future of not just the airport but the whole region.”

The full Masterplan 2035 document, details of all public consultation meetings and contact information can be found at



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