Mondelez WTR targets millennial travellers with personalised Toblerone Messages

Mondelez World Travel Retail (WTR) has rolled out its personalised Toblerone Messages to travel retail worldwide following a ‘promising’ pre-launch with Dufry in the first quarter of the year.

Toblerone Messages was developed in response to the growing trend towards exclusivity and personalisation, particularly among millennial travellers who are looking for bespoke gifts. Toblerone Messages features the brand’s best-selling 360g Milk bar dressed in travel retail exclusive, customised packaging with messages such as ‘I Love You’, ‘Missed You’, ‘Thinking of You’, and ‘Superstar’.

Mondelez WTR says the four different messages address different gifting occasions

Mondelez WTR Manager Category Marketing Irina Tarabanko commented: “Toblerone has a history of pioneering innovations which respond to changing consumer demographics and need states – the new Toblerone Messages is no exception. Based on our consumer insights, we have built a playful, emotional offer around one of our most iconic products, the Toblerone bar, to address different gifting occasions and made it exclusive to travel retail. This has certainly struck a chord with the millennial jetsetters, and we are seeing very positive results in terms of footfall and consumer engagement.”

The launch campaign has been designed with the millennial shopper group in mind, and has a strong focus on creating tailored experiences and socially shareable content. Shoppers were invited to take a photo in-store with a variety of message boards and props before sharing it on social media with the hashtag #sayitwithtoblerone. Twitter users who shared their photos with the campaign hashtag received a personalised ‘Thank You’ message from Toblerone.

Toblerone Messages at Rio de Janeiro Airport

To further promote Toblerone Messages and attract footfall into the stores, Mondelez WTR has developed a 360˚ promotional programme with targeted digital engagement at various stages of a traveller’s journey.

Madrid-Barajas was the first airport to roll out this digital initiative, which ran from 14 February to 13 March and included phased advertising on Facebook and Instagram and a video to promote Toblerone Messages. For the first time, Mondelez WTR partnered with global airport app FLIO to promote Toblerone Messages to app users at nine airport locations across Europe, including Madrid, Barcelona, Heathrow, Dusseldorf and Helsinki.

The Toblerone Messages marketing campaign is strongly focused on digital engagement and ‘shareable moments’

The pre-launch campaign at Madrid Airport also received support from Dufry. Members of the retailer’s ‘Red by Dufry’ loyalty programme were sent e-mail alerts encouraging them to pick up Toblerone Messages at Dufry’s stores. They could earn bonus loyalty points by showing the QR code on their ‘Red by Dufry’ app at the cash till. Shoppers could also use Dufry’s dedicated Reserve & Collect service to pre-order Toblerone Messages online and pick up their purchases before departure.

Toblerone Messages was also advertised on Dufry’s digital platforms, as well as popular websites and channels frequently used by travellers.

“This is our most digitally focused campaign to date, leveraging key digital and social media platforms to create an emotional connection at each and every customer touchpoint,” Tarabanko said. “Online engagement has given a strong push to the in-store activations, which have significant appeal for younger travellers craving for bespoke experiences and shareable moments. This is a testament to the reach of the Toblerone brand, and a strong reflection of the direction we are taking this year to deliver ‘More Shoppers, More Spend, More Often’, in line with our Delighting Travelers vision.”



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