Marcolin reveals digital campaign for its first Max Mara eyewear collection

Marcolin has launched a digital campaign for its first Max Mara eyewear collection, supported by brand ambassadors, social media influencers, a classical guitarist and other talents.

Look! highlights sunglasses from the Elsa range which were unveiled at the Spring/Summer 2021 Max Mara fashion show. Design elements include a geometric metal shape with a futuristic high bridge, which runs along the frame, and logoed temples with acetate tips that are colour matched with maxi angular lenses.

According to Marcolin, the Look! campaign offers an invitation to “look beyond” through a series of videos and images which underline the importance of eyewear as a must-have accessory.

International fashion industry favourites Ludovica Sauer and Nataly Osmann are the faces of the Look! campaign and feature in a video shot in Milan.

The Max Mara by Marcolin launch across Europe is also supported by photographer and Cubicle Editor in Chief Shini Park, Italian classical guitarist Francesco Rocco, and fashion and lifestyle blogger Nina Suess.

Influencer and fashion blogger Tina Leung takes the Look! concept to the USA and the campaign ends in Asia with influencer and fashion entrepreneur Yoyo Cao, Taiwanese KOL Molly Chiang and Chinese fashion stylist Fil Xiaobai.

“The Look! concept underlines the iconic nature of eyewear and the power of daily gestures, which become a universal and cross-cultural communication code,” Marcolin said.

“The project revolves around the videos and images shot by the many emerging talents involved, who interpret this message, each in their own way, highlighting the importance of eyewear as a must-have accessory.”

The digital campaign started on 21 April on Marcolin and Max Mara’s social media platforms, and will also be featured by the brand ambassadors and campaign supporters.



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