Maldives brightens London skies with new ad campaign

The Maldives have brought ‘the Sunny Side of Life’ to the grey skies of London this autumn, with the launch of the advertising campaign on buses and bus stops.

It will also feature at Waterloo train station.

The campaign, which was run by outdoor advertising corporation JCDecaux, saw 40 Maldives digital advertisements displayed on screens at bus stops near busy London train stations including Charing Cross, Leicester Square, Edgware Road, Paddington, Baker Street and Victoria.

Vibrant Maldives advertising also appeared at the digital screen situated inside Waterloo train station, which is the UK’s busiest train station with an estimated 94.4 million people passing through each year.

It is estimated that the Waterloo digital screen received approximately 3.2 million impressions during the two-week campaign.

Maldives advertising will also appear on a double decker bus from the Original Tour in London until February.

The Maldives has undergone an expansion of its tourism infrastructure this year with an influx of new resorts, including several new family-friendly and adult-only properties, as well as high-end properties.

Developments at Velana International Airport will also continue, which will mean the airport will be able to cater for over 7.5 million passengers, and in late 2019, the Maldives welcomed increased airlift for UK travellers with the launch of a new five-times-weekly flight from London Heathrow to Malé, via Bahrain, with Gulf Air in late October.

Speaking about the advertising campaign, Thoyyib Mohamed, managing director of MMPRC, said:

“We were thrilled to work with JCDecaux to bring the beautiful blue lagoons of the Maldives to London this autumn during the outdoor advertising campaign.

“The UK is an important and significant market for inbound tourism to the Maldives, so we hope the advertisements have encouraged the city’s busy commuters to consider our beautiful islands as a destination for their next escape.”



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