Keflavik International Airport expands Veovo collaboration to accommodate increased passenger numbers

ICELAND. Keflavik International Airport operator Isavia has expanded the use of Veovo flow management technology to ease challenges posed by increasing passenger numbers.

The Veovo platform aims to offer airports the ability to “plan, predict and perfect” guest experiences and operations.

With fivefold growth in just nine years, and 10 million passengers predicted this year, Iceland’s Keflavik Airport is the gateway to one of Europe’s fastest-growing tourist and transit destinations. Isavia aims to ensure smooth passenger flow as volumes increase.

The operator said Veovo technology will provide a cohesive picture of how passengers move through and use the airport, enabling more informed operational and business decisions. Isavia said airport retailers and F&B operators will be able to fine-tune customer service with improved staffing, and to better tailor product placement and variety. Veovo data will also act as a guideline for continual improvement.

The Veovo system was implemented by Keflavik Airport at check-in and security in 2016 to provide wait time and occupancy figures to help meet service level agreements and alleviate overcrowding.

The airport also deployed Veovo’s Airport Management System for operational visibility to enhance resource management. Together, the solutions ensure wait times and flight information are communicated to passengers on screens and mobile apps.

Keflavik Airport Project Manager – Operation Research Gudmundur Gautason said the Veovo data has helped the airport anticipate problems before they arise.

He explained: “Veovo is a trusted partner to Isavia, and we are excited to extend the use of its innovative solutions to provide a better customer experience and a more efficient journey through the airport.

“As the most reliable, and one of the only solutions on the market capable of measuring passenger flow through multiple stages of the journey, it will provide us with continuous, airport-wide visibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will not only enable us to more efficiently plan resources but also allow us to see the impact of the various actions we implement.”

With the extended roll-out, Keflavik will have a detailed view of passengers’ movement patterns, from the moment they arrive until boarding the plane, Isavia said. The airport will be able to extract any combination of data, both real-time and historical, for all areas, broken down per flight.

Veovo Sales Manager Claus Hein commented:

We are thrilled that Keflavik Airport has decided to expand our solution to understand the passenger journey from start to finish.

“We are confident that it will present them with a unique opportunity to better manage and support resources by focusing on high-demand locations and periods, make strategic decisions, to better utilise facilities, and ensure that passengers enjoy a smooth travel experience.”



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