A Jewel in the crown: Changi’s breathtaking new project previewed

SINGAPORE. Changi Airport Group (CAG) has revealed further images and film of its magnificent Jewel Changi Airport complex, scheduled to open in 2019. The Moodie Davitt Report is providing intensive coverage of the project (and CAG’s other major development, the new Terminal 4, set to open later this year).

Jewel, developed by Jewel Changi Airport Trustee (JCAT), is a joint venture between CAG and CapitaLand Mall Asia. The project encompasses a hugely ambitious mixed-use complex. It will include a five-storey indoor garden, play attractions, shopping and dining options, a hotel, and facilities for airport operations.

In June CAG revealed details of the development’s 14,000sq m lifestyle attraction Canopy Park (see video below), which will house leisure and play attractions, gardens, walking trails and dining outlets.

Jewel Changi Airport will enhance the passenger experience with its myriad range of lifestyle offerings (All photos: Jewel Changi Airport Devt)

Arriving in style: This artist’s impression of the view from Airport Boulevard illustrates the magnificent panorama of Jewel that passengers and visitors driving to Changi Airport will encounter

Seamless integration: Jewel Changi Airport will be connected to Terminals 1, 2 and 3 and the MRT station via pedestrian bridges

A lush environment filled with thousands of trees, plants, ferns and shrubs, will allow visitors to immerse themselves in a green valley of verdant landscaping and waterfalls

Jewel will offer a wide range of retail and dining offerings, including exciting new-to-Singapore concepts, top international brands and home-grown names

Surfing the net: Another world first as two unique net experiences (dubbed Sky Nets) are combined in a single play attraction

Hedge funding: Canopy Mazes will be Singapore’s largest hedge maze, featuring a lookout tower that offers spectacular views of Jewel’s Canopy Park

A sculptural art piece with a 4-in-1 slide attraction of varying heights offers children and the young-at-heart with a combination of fun and culture

The 50m Canopy Bridge will offer breathtaking views of the Forest Valley and Rain Vortex



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