Jamaica Tourist Board launches UK webinar series

Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) London is launching a new interactive weekly webinar for travel trade, to share destination updates, trivia and travel protocol information in an engaging way for agents and partners.

‘Jamaica Virtual Vibes’ will take place every Wednesday at 13:30 for 45-60 minutes as a casual but informative way to hear about updates from the Caribbean’s top holiday destination, where couples, families and friends will find beautiful beaches as well as vibrant cities and towns.

In addition to useful travel information from JTB’s trade sales team, there will be quizzes and prizes offered for attendees.

The weekly ‘magazine style’ online sessions will include ‘the Spirited Report,’ taking agents on a virtual trip to a range of bars in Jamaica, while sharing delicious recipes from local bartenders.

The sales team will also guide attendees around Jamaica to see the impressive ‘One Stop’ locations, visiting a range of top attractions and accommodations.

The ‘Kulture Klub’ session, meanwhile, will highlight in depth the USPs of the iconic Jamaican lifestyle and culture.

Throughout the pandemic, the trade sales team for JTB London have devised various fun and informative initiatives to ensure agents receive destination updates in an engaging format, with videos and webinars on the Jamaica Rewards portal, as well as virtual FAM trips shared on the organisation’s social channels.

Agents can pre-register each week to attend the Zoom webinars through this form.

The first session will take place next week on Wednesday, May 19th.

Jamaica is open and ready to welcome British travellers.

There is no quarantine on arrival required if staying in an approved accommodation facility, and the resilience corridor has proved both successful and safe for tourists.

Find out more below:



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