Grey Goose takes over Dufry’s new generation store at Melbourne Airport

Bacardi Global Travel Retail partnered with Dufry Group in July to take over the retailer’s new generation store at Melbourne Airport with a Grey Goose campaign.

Grey Goose, the first drinks brand to utilise the new in-store space and digital screens, installed a copper-plate fronted geometric bar which served Grey Goose Le Grand Fizz and the dark twist of a Grey Goose Espresso Martini cocktails. Digital screens featured the brand’s new Above the Line campaign.

Props placed in front of the bar, such as a classic pannier style bicycle, aimed to tell the story of Grey Goose and its French heritage. Travellers had the chance to enjoy a game of La Petite Pétanque and point-of-sale merchandise such as take-away bar top tip cards offered an insider’s guide to Melbourne’s cocktail scene.

The promotion aimed to connect consumers on their travels with the best experiences of Australia’s cultural capital, said Bacardi

Bacardi Global Travel Retail Regional Director, Asia Pacific & Middle East Africa Vinay Golikeri said: “The new generation store of Dufry in Melbourne is spectacular and the technology is state-of-the-art. We’re excited that Grey Goose is the first drinks brand to leverage the incredible brand visibility of the space and create a super-premium bar environment, maximising consumer engagement with the luxury positioning of Grey Goose.

“Working closely with our Australia domestic market colleagues, this Grey Goose campaign is a great example of engaging consumers with a compelling brand immersion that seamlessly connects them on their travels with the best experiences of Australia’s cultural capital.”

Shopper engagement: Grey Goose visuals featured on the ceiling-height LED screens around the spirits section

Dufry Group General Manager Australia Ken Tse added:

“Creating a luxurious Sense of Place is an important element of our new Melbourne store and we especially wanted the bar to be an iconic and memorable final out-post for the city. Having a category leading, ambitious global brand like Grey Goose as our launch partner is a fantastic and elegant pairing and one that our customers are responding to enthusiastically.”



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