Framing the face: Sisley Paris eyes up the brow market

Sisley Paris will introduce two new brow products to its make-up collection this month. Phyto-Sourcils Fix is a thickening gel to tame brows and Phyto-Sourcils Design is a 3-in-1 technical pencil to define and intensify the eyebrow.

Described as being suited to beginners or those who prefer a natural look, Phyto-Sourcils Fix is a ‘mascara for the brows’. Easy to apply, its one-step application highlights and enhances the eye area by shaping the brows.

The nylon-enriched formula is polymer based and quick drying with an elastic texture that stays put after application, Sisley Paris said. The formula also contains active skincare ingredients including softening passiflora extract and pro-vitamin B5 to strengthen brows over time. Looking just like a mascara wand, the shaping brush is simply brushed over the brows to create the shape required.

It comes in three shades: A Transparent gel which is suitable for all; Light Medium for those with blonde to light brown hair; and Medium Dark for brown and dark hair.

Phyto-Sourcils Fix has passed ophthalmological testing to ensure it is safe for use around the eye area.

Phyto-Sourcils Design is a 3-in-1 technical pencil to colour and define the brows and it can be used alone or before Phyto-Sourcils Fix. Comprising a mini-brush, a triangular pencil and a highlighter, it can be used to fill in sparse brows, tame unruly ones and also redefine and intensify the brows, according to Sisley Paris.

The mini-brush is used first to brush the brows upwards, then the triangular pencil redraws, shapes and fills in the brows before the final step: a touch of highlighter under the brow bone to illuminate the eye area. The pencil has a soft and powdery texture which gives a dry, matte finish.

Its skincare formula has also been passed for ophthalmological safety, for use around the delicate eye area.

Phyto-Sourcils Design is available in three shades: Capuccino for blondes; Châtain for light to dark brown hair; and Brun for dark hair.



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