Eurowings to connect low-cost bases in Düsseldorf and Munich with new flight

Eurowings is accelerating its growth course as 2018 gets underway.

Currently Europe’s fastest growing airline, the carrier is working continually to expand its route network and is now offering passengers the new DüsseldorfMunich route.

This week, flight EW9002 took off from Düsseldorf heading for the Bavarian metropolis for the first time.

In the future, Eurowings will operate one of Germany’s major business routes seven times a week.

The flight takes off from Düsseldorf at 10:55.

The return flight from Munich is scheduled for 12:50.

The frequency on this route will be further increased by the end of the month, with a second flight being added in the evening as of January 31st.

This will take off from Düsseldorf at 19:05, with the return flight scheduled for 21:05.

A daily flight in the morning will take off at 06:40 from February 1st with a subsequent return flight at 09:00.

An afternoon flight will also be available from February 5th.

This will take off from Düsseldorf at 15:00, with a return flight from Munich at 17:00.

This key domestic German route is part of the rapidly growing Lufthansa subsidiary’s expansion plan.

In the future, it will link the two most important Eurowings bases with low-cost direct flights.

The airline plans to significantly expand its presence in the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2018 and will base many more aircraft there, including three additional long-haul jets for flights to America, Africa and the Caribbean.

Six months after launching in Munich, Eurowings is also operating a rapidly growing base in the Bavarian capital where it is the second largest airline after Lufthansa.

After the successful development of domestic German connections and European flights, the next step will follow in the summer of 2018.

Eurowings will then offer low-cost long-haul routes from Munich for the first time.



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