Duty Zero by cdf unveils pioneering pre-order app at Hong Kong International Airport

HONG KONG. Duty Zero by cdf today introduced a pre-order app to the market, describing it as “one of the most important milestones in our development”.

With the launch, Duty Zero by cdf (the trading name of the CDF-Lagardère joint venture between China Duty Free Group and Lagardère Travel Retail), said that it is the first duty free store in Hong Kong to release a mobile app. The company also becomes the first airport duty free retailer in Asia to offer pre-order hard liquor via an app, Duty Zero by cdf added.

Customers can pre-order food & liquor up to three days ahead. It also allows customers to sign up membership to the retailer’s loyalty scheme and link existing membership cards to the app.

Duty Zero by cdf pledged that the app will boost efforts to improve the  consumer shopping experience and convenience. Users can easily pre-order liquor (including Cognac, whisky, white spirits, Chinese liquor, wine, Champagne), Hong Kong local food and more.

“This mobile app is one of the company’s greatest achievements and the company firmly believes that it will improve customers’ degree of satisfaction at Duty Zero by cdf.”

App users can also benefit from all in-store promotions, even when ordering online. During special occasions, mobile app exclusive offers will be available.

Duty Zero by cdf has designated a 24-hour, seven days a week pick-up counter at its arrivals store. Customers can pick up their orders quickly after landing in Hong Kong, simply by showing the assigned QR codes to finish the process. A free Hong Kong local delivery service is being provided for purchases of HK$2,000 (US$255) or more.

E-membership system

To enhance service to loyal customers, the Duty Zero app has the retailer’s membership programme embedded in its digital platform. Customers can access their membership information anytime, anywhere simply by applying or linking an existing membership card. They can also check their available membership points and redeem them as shopping points online. Platinum and Diamond members can access the VIP lounge while waiting for flights.

Duty Zero by cdf said: “By being Asia’s first airport duty free store to allow hard liquor pre-ordering on a mobile app, CDF-Lagardère Company assures that this app will benefit travellers at Hong Kong International Airport by bringing convenience to their shopping experience. This mobile app is one of the company’s greatest achievements and the company firmly believes that it will improve customers’ degree of satisfaction at Duty Zero by cdf.”

In celebration of today’s grand launch, Duty Free by cdf announced a Duty Free App exclusive offer of -10% off order values. In addition, any customer who registers as a Duty Free by cdf member will be eligible to earn HK$20 (US$2.55) bonus credit instantly without any purchase.



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