Dufry captures 12-year duty free contract at Teesside International Airport

Dufry company World Duty Free has won a 12-year tax and duty free concession at Teesside International Airport, located in Darlington, Northeast England.

The airport was recently taken into public ownership and is targeting an additional 1.4 million passengers by 2029, beyond the 148,000 travellers it served in 2019. With this new concession, Dufry has consolidated its footprint in the UK, where it operates duty free shops at 25 airports.

Work on a 173sq m walk-through store will begin shortly, with completion due by July. Teesside International recently secured increased flights to several international destinations including Palma, Alicante, Corfu and destinations in Bulgaria, with airlines such as Ryanair and TUI.

Dufry said: “To maximise the opportunity presented from 1 January 2021 with the government’s reintroduction of duty free purchases for all passengers departing the UK, the retail focus in the new store will be on the core categories of liquor & tobacco, along with an extensive range of beauty brands and a selection of accessories.”

Fred Creighton, Dufry Chief Operating Officer in the UK, said, “The team at Teesside International airport have exciting long term plans for the airport, linked to the increased flight schedules anticipated as well as the current overhaul of their security operations and other airport facilities. We are delighted to be part of this new chapter in the airport’s story and will deliver a tax and duty free store that takes shopping to the next level for all passengers visiting the airport this Summer.”

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “I’m delighted to welcome World Duty Free to our airport to offer passengers a fantastic range of items in our brand new shop. This is, in some ways, the final piece of the puzzle in our terminal revamp. We’ve updated check-in desks and security to make passing through easier and more stress-free than ever before, created new food and drink options and lounges to relax in. We’ve also worked with local companies not just to transform the building and help us carry out this work, but also on another store showcasing the best of the region.

“But every airport worth its salt has a duty free store and by working with World Duty Free, we can provide yet another brilliant draw for people looking to fly from their local airport, complementing our ever-growing list of international summer destinations.”



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