Direct Edinburgh to China flights set to begin in June

It has been announced that direct flights from Scotland to China will begin in June 2018.  The ground-breaking arrangement will see Hainan Airlines Airbus A330-300 flights to Beijing Capital International Airport from Edinburgh beginning from June 12.

It’s part of an innovative flight model which links in three capital cities – Beijing, Edinburgh and Dublin.  The route will fly from Beijing to Dublin and then onto Edinburgh and then back to Beijing on Thursdays and Sundays, flying to Edinburgh and then Dublin and then back to Beijing on Tuesdays and Saturdays.  It marks the successful culmination of Edinburgh Airport’s partnership working with colleagues in China to attract these routes to Scotland in a move which will benefit the country’s economy, culture and tourism.

Chief Executive of Edinburgh Airport, Gordon Dewar said: “This is a fantastic day for Edinburgh Airport and for Scotland as we connect Scotland and China for the first time.  We are two countries steeped in history and rich in culture, offering new destinations for people from both countries to visit and explore.

“Edinburgh is second only to London as the most popular UK destination for Chinese tourists, and we have worked incredibly hard with partners across the city and country to get to this point.  We’ve built close relationships with firms in China who have been instrumental in this development and we thank them for their assistance.  Hainan Airlines have been a huge help and they must be congratulated for this innovative approach to tie the Celtic capitals of Edinburgh and Dublin into the route and open up these cities to the Chinese market.”

Mr Bao Qifa`s, chairman of Hainan Airlines, said: “By continuously expanding and improving our international network, Hainan Airlines dedicates to bringing more convenience to people’s life.  This opening of the first nonstop service from Beijing to Dublin and Edinburgh will provide new facilities to stimulate the development of Sino-Irish and Sino-British relations.”

UK Government Aviation Minister Baroness Sugg said: “The first scheduled direct route between Edinburgh and Beijing is fantastic news, and follows on from our work to increase the number of flights possible between the two countries.  Edinburgh offers tourists from around the world a unique and vibrant cultural experience, and this link will mean more Chinese visitors can enjoy Scotland’s incredible hospitality and stunning scenery.”



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