DFA steps up Brazilian expansion with new Salvador duty free stores

BRAZIL. Duty Free Americas (DFA) has stepped up its rapid expansion into Brazil with the recent opening of two duty free stores at Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport in Salvador.

The shops cover 7,700sq ft in prime areas of the terminal. The multi-category design enhances DFA’s core portfolio of traditional travel retail products, which includes perfumes and cosmetics, wine and spirits, confectionery, fashion and accessories. Additionally, the stores feature a dedicated presentation of local liquors and arts and crafts products from the State of Bahia.

Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport ranked as Brazil’s ninth-busiest airport in 2016, handling over 7.5 million passengers. Traffic has been growing at an average +14%, DFA said. The airport serves multiple Brazilian flights as well as international routes within South America and to/from Europe.

Strong Duty Free Americas branding beckons potential customers in-store

In under two years DFA has solidified its position as one of Brazil’s leading duty free retailers. It now commands approximately 50,000sq ft of duty free and duty paid retail space in major airports serving São Paulo–Congonhas, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Manaus, Maceió and Salvador, plus five coffee shops in Curitiba. These airports combined served over 45 million passengers in 2016.

“A fresh and inviting retail look” – Duty Free Americas CEO Jerome Falic

“We are excited about the opening of our latest airport stores in Brazil,” said DFA Chief Executive Officer Jerome Falic. “By expanding its presence in Brazil, DFA is consolidating its position as the largest duty free operator in the Western Hemisphere. We are always exploring potential opportunities in different channels, and we are pleased to add these stores to our growing list of Brazilian airport and border duty free stores.

“Michael Dinar  [President of Duty Free Americas Brazil] and his team have designed and developed a retail environment that showcases the stores’ many luxury brands, and we are sure that this fresh and inviting retail look will appeal to the airport’s international and domestic travellers alike.”



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