Deer Jet offers luxury itinerary for Cannes Film Festival

For the 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival, Deer Jet has designed a weeklong travel itinerary for a limited number of privileged travellers.

As has become a signature of Deer Jet’s travel packages, guests can expect to enjoy exclusive content at a selection of hand-picked destinations and to join celebrities at the celebrations of one of the world’s most glamorous galas of the international film industry

Deer Jet is using its Gulfstream G550 private jet fleet to fly guest from Beijing to Nice and across France from May 6th-14th.

Once in France, travellers will experience the French art de vivre through immersive activities including wine tasting and haute cuisine experiences, tours of historic and modernist landmarks, by-appointment visits to luxury fashion houses and ateliers among others.

During the Cannes Film Festival, Deer Jet’s guests will have access to the red carpet and join their favourite artists and celebrities for a glamorous and memorable evening which includes VVIP invitations to the festival’s official after party.

Aimed for art connoisseurs to follow their passion for the most precious and rare, Deer Jet has included private visits to art foundations in Paris including the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art and the Foundation Louis Vuitton, two of the most celebrated architecture landmarks and main centres of modern art in the French capital.

This private jet excursion also includes stops in Nice, Avignon and Provence, offering the best of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in southern France with tours of villages which have inspired artist and contributed to the history of world cinema.

Deer Jet has hand-picked Gordes, Roussillon and Menerbes for this itinerary.

Regions which thanks to their privileged geography are famous for their beautiful landscapes and typical architecture, without doubt, some of the most beautiful villages of France.



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