British Airways to welcome return of classic roast dinner

British Airways customers will be welcomed back on board with new ‘Best of British Menus’ next month.

The latest edition even features a traditional British Roast dinner.

The airline’s roast, that will be available in First and Club World, will provide customers flying across the globe a taste of a quintessentially British dish.

British Airways will debut its traditional roast with 21-day aged British beef, served with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, seasonal vegetables, horseradish cream and gravy.

On flights to the Indian subcontinent, customers will be offered British roast chicken served with roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables, bread sauce and gravy.

The chefs will also be creating themed deserts on its monthly menus, with September’s theme being ‘All Things Botanical’ including an elderflower and white chocolate dessert with compressed apple and elderflower sorbet.

British Airways’ new monthly ‘Best of British’ menus champion seasonal ingredients and British provenance, taking customers on a culinary journey across the British Isles.

The airline has proudly worked with farmers, caterers and producers to find great quality ingredients, advocating farm to fork.

In October, customers can expect to see another great traditional roast featuring chicken, as well as lamb hot pot and Welsh rarebit with chutney.

The new dessert menu will celebrate the British apple season with treats such as apple mousse, with granny smith sorbet or British apple compote with vanilla custard and crumble.

Sajida Ismail, head of inflight for British Airways, said: “As we look ahead to welcoming back customers who may not have flown for a while, we wanted to mark the occasion by offering a really special menu that celebrates the best of Britain.”



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