British Airways launches carbon offsetting scheme on domestic flights

As the new year arrives, British Airways has begun offsetting carbon emissions on all its flights within the UK.

The move is part of the airline’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Customers flying within the UK on flights operated by British Airways will have the carbon emissions from their flights offset by the airline and invested in the highest quality, verified carbon reduction projects around the world.

These will include quality assured projects such as renewable energy, protection of rainforests and reforestation programmes.

British Airways operates up to 75 flights a day between London and ten UK cities including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Isle of Man, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Belfast City, Inverness and Jersey.

British Airways has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 through a range of initiatives, including offsetting emissions on all flights within the UK, flying more fuel-efficient aircraft, investing in sustainable aviation fuel and changing operating procedures, in addition to working with stakeholders and governments to strengthen global climate policy.

The airline and its parent company, IAG, will invest a total of $400 million on alternative sustainable fuel development over the next 20 years.

Alex Cruz, British Airways chairman, said: “We know that air travel continues to grow, but we also know that our future has to be sustainable.

“Solving the complex issue of climate change requires a multifaceted response, and offsetting emissions on all flights within the UK is just one step that we are adopting to reduce our environmental impact while more solutions to decarbonise are found.

“Our emissions reductions projects are carefully chosen to ensure they are proven and deliver real carbon emissions reductions as well as economic, social and environmental benefits.

“We continue to invest heavily in new aircraft that are 25-40 per cent more fuel efficient than the aircraft they replace.

“We are also leading the way in the development of sustainable aviation fuel and have signed a partnership with renewable fuels company Velocys, to build a plant which will convert household and commercial waste into renewable sustainable jet fuel to power our fleet, a first for the UK and the first time an airline has done this in Europe.”

Customers flying beyond the UK can reduce their impact on the environment by using British Airways’ carbon offsetting tool.

The tool enables customers to calculate their emissions and make their flight carbon neutral by choosing from the highest quality, verified carbon reduction projects in Peru, Sudan and Cambodia through its partnership with not-for-profit charity Pure Leapfrog.

Using the tool, a customer will pay around £1 to offset a return flight from London to Madrid, travelling in economy, while from London to New York in business class will cost around £15.



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