“A bold and modern recreation”: DFS in exclusive pre-launch of Hennessy XXO at Singapore Changi Airport

SINGAPORE. DFS Group has partnered with Hennessy Cognac and Changi Airport Group for an exclusive pre-launch of Hennessy XXO. Described as a “bold and modern recreation of one of the house’s most storied blends”, Hennessy XXO is available exclusively through DFS at Singapore Changi Airport from 1 to 31 August. From September, Hennessy XXO will also be available at DFS, Hong Kong International Airport and will extend to other duty free locations in October.

From 1 August to 11 September, the line will be showcased at a new pop-up store at Changi Airport Terminal 1, offering what the retailer calls “a contemporary and captivating experience”.

Moët Hennessy Managing Director Global Travel Retail Donatienne de Fontaines-Guillaume said: “In global travel retail we are always aiming at surprising consumers with remarkable experiences and authentic expressions. Hennessy XXO is introduced first in the world at DFS, Singapore Changi Airport. Travellers are invited to discover our immersive and contemporary pop-up store and enjoy the experience of the art of hosting.”

Throughout the launch period, the concourse pop-up and DFS’ wines and spirits shops at Changi Airport will feature a range of gifts linked to the launch.

“We are proud to partner with DFS Group and Hennessy to unveil such an exciting and historical moment right here at Changi Airport,” said Changi Airport Group Senior Vice President for Airside Concessions Teo Chew Hoon. “We look forward to delighting visitors through immersive, indulgent experiences at the exclusive pop-up store in Terminal 1, delivering yet another memorable travel journey through Changi.”

Visionary spirit: Hennessy XXO was traditionally blended by setting aside eaux-de-vie with the greatest potential for the future

DFS Group Senior Vice President Spirits, Wines, Tobacco, Food and Gifts Brooke Supernaw added: “We are thrilled to bring travellers and DFS’ loyal customers yet another groundbreaking exclusive launch in Singapore. Hennessy XXO epitomises the brand’s commitment to a visionary approach to blending Cognac and we are proud that DFS is the chosen partner to unveil this icon to the next generation.”

Originally created in 1870 by Maurice Hennessy and Emile Fillioux, Hennessy XXO was blended according by setting aside eaux-de-vie with the greatest potential for the future. At the time, Hennessy XXO was packaged in the traditional Charentaise bottle and delivered around the world, from the USA to China.

Tasting notes

Of the latest expression, DFS and Hennessy said:

“Faithfully (re)interpreted by Hennessy’s Master Blender, the Cognac’s spirit remains as pertinent as ever: architecturally structured yet aerial, it is composed solely of eaux-de-vie selected for their remarkable potential. It has the rich, expressive nose that is the hallmark of a visionary. The long finish characteristic of rare Cognacs is highlighted by a delightful nuance of spicy complexity. Its aromatic landscape ranges from vegetal to spicy, with notes of bitter orange and freshly grated nutmeg, licorice stick, dried peppermint leaf and delicate spices.”



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