Bacardi Global Travel Retail creates Grey Goose seasonal campaign at Toronto T3

Bacardi Global Travel Retail has developed a Grey Goose seasonal campaign that is running at Toronto Pearson International Airport Terminal 3 from 1 December to 6 January. The super-premium vodka brand offers shoppers the opportunity to step into a giant snow globe in a zone designed with a French Alpine theme.

The area is furnished with a range of branded fittings and theatrical props, including chalet-style seating, deck chairs, log tables, mountain signage and flickering lanterns.


Shoppers can select from a range of ‘snow-ready’ props and strike a winter pose on their own or with friends in the snow globe experience. Using Sharingbox, an automated digital photobooth, photos are printed instantly as a seasonal greeting card or shared electronically as an animated GIF.

The winter theme is completed with decorative trees with lights and branded ornaments that are shared with shoppers as random acts of kindness and offerings of seasonal greetings. Guests in the ‘Alpine Chalet’ are also invited to the grey Goose Le Fizz Sampling Bar. Drinks options include Grey Goose Le Fizz; a blend of Grey Goose, St. Germain elderflower liqueur and lime juice, topped with soda water.

Sampling is encouraged, with Grey Goose Le Fizz on offer in the ‘Alpine Chalet’ built at Toronto T3

Bar staff share their brand knowledge and cocktail recipes, and purchasing is targeted through an extensive display of House of Grey Goose products. These include Grey Goose Original available in the new 2017 seasonal Alpine gift pack, Grey Goose VX, Grey Goose Interpreted by Ducasse, plus Grey Goose flavours – L’Orange, Melon, Le Citron, Cherry Noir and La Poire.

Bacardi Global Travel Retail Regional Director, Americas Geoff Biggs said: “No matter where they’re heading on their flights, this colourful Grey Goose activation engagingly interrupts the passenger journey. It offers them an exciting and memorable stopover, sharing the style, warmth and fun of the French Alps with the world’s best premium vodka.

“Shoppers are instantly intrigued by the startling scale and beauty of the giant metallic orb – which many liken to a spaceship or a giant tree bauble – and are enthralled by the idea of stepping into the magical world inside the globe.

The campaign encourages purchase of one of the many Grey Goose expressions through travel retail partner Dufry

“At a busy and stressful time of year this is all about positively enhancing the passenger journey by sharing holiday moments with them, creating their chance to enjoy a unique Grey Goose experience and then pay it forward by sharing the fun with friends and family across the world.”

Toronto Pearson Business Development, Partnerships & Advertising Tina Williams added: “As Canada’s global gateway Toronto Pearson is committed to creating innovative, engaging and memorable experiences for our passengers. We are delighted to welcome this relevant and entertaining partnership with Grey Goose vodka, which is also a wonderful way to share the spirit of the season.”



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