Areas celebrates taste of Bilbao with Yandiola airport opening

SPAIN. Areas has partnered with chef Ricardo Pérez to open a replica of his award-winning restaurant Yandiola at Bilbao Airport as part of an initiative with Cervezas San Miguel celebrating fusion cuisine and street food.

Areas was awarded a five-year contract to operate five outlets at the airport in May 2016, making it the airport’s largest food and beverage operator.

The restaurant is located within the new 352sq m ‘Exploring The World From Bilbao’ zone in departures. The renewed culinary offer aims to improve the passenger experience by expanding variety and bringing successful downtown culinary concepts to the airport.

The original Yandiola restaurant is located in Alhóndiga, Bilbao, and has won numerous awards including the Gorogollo gold medal for best restaurant in Bilbao and the Best of Wine Tourism awards in the restaurant category. The airport restaurant staff spent significant time at the Alhóndiga location to gain experience.

The airport restaurant staff spent significant time training with Pérez at the Alhóndiga location

Under the direction of Pérez, at Bilbao Airport the restaurant will focus on its commitment to using authentic local produce. The menu includes dishes such as smoked Keia salmon, prawn and watercress salad with vinaigrette garnish and a breaded vegetable stew over purple Zalla onion juice for entrées. For the main meals, the choices include tacos with beef stewed in red wine and a tasting plate of cod in pil pil sauce and ranero club style cod, among others. For dessert, creations such as the crispy Idiazábal cheese, quince and iced walnut cake and the red berry gratin with creamy ice cream are sure to tempt travellers. A variety of tasting plates from Yandiola allows passengers to experience the restaurant cuisine at the airport.

The new the new 352sq m ‘Exploring The World From Bilbao’ zone celebrates fusion cuisine and street food.

Exploring the World From Bilbao is a creative space offering travellers a variety of high quality products that satisfies diverse demands. Chef Pérez also accommodates cuisines of the world in his menu to include dishes such as vegetable or chicken gyoza, tuna tataki with citric soy and ginger or hot pork.

The space also serves cold and warm sandwiches; combinations include pork shoulder with Camembert, salmon with Wasabi mayonnaise and Raf tomato with tuna loin. All these plates are paired with a variety of San Miguel Beers.

Yandiola joins local F&B brand Arrese and Santa Gloria and international names Starbucks and Burger King at the airport



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