Airbus launches A330neo private jet to global market

Airbus Corporate Jets has launched a private jet version of its new A330neo.

The new aircraft combines new-generation engines and aerodynamic and other improvements to deliver even more comfort, efficiency and true non-stop to the world range.

Called the ACJ330neo, it will fly 25 passengers 9,400 nm/17,400 km or 20 hours, enough to fly non-stop from Europe to Australia.

“For customers, such as countries needing to fly heads of state and delegations worldwide on government business, the ACJ330neo offers an unbeatable combination of modern design, proven capability and productivity, as well as being part of the world’s best-selling wide-body family,” declare Airbus chief operating officer, customers, John Leahy.

Featuring a very spacious cabin the ACJ330neo readily accommodates conference/dining areas, a private office, bedroom, bathroom and guest seating, and can be fully customised to suit customer needs.

And with experience in delivering around 70 turnkey cabins over several decades, Airbus has unrivalled manufacturer know-how in this field.

The A330 is the world’s most successful wide-body airliner, having evolved through intelligent innovation into an even more capable one – as well as into freighter, multi-role tanker transport, and corporate jet roles.

Recent A330 advances include new-generation Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines, Sharklet wingtips and improved maximum take-off weights, delivering hugely better payload and range.

Other new features include the option of an on-board airport navigation system, similar to GPS in cars, and a runway overrun prevention system, for which insurance companies offer reduced premiums.

The ACJ330 also has optional dual head-up displays and, in common with the rest of the family, inherits excellent reliability from its airliner roots.

Launched as a joint programme, Airbus’ A330 and A340 are the world’s best-selling wide-body family, with more than 2,000 orders to their credit and over 170 customers and operators.



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