AirAsia Beauty aims to “take the region by storm” with Malaysia and Indonesia launches

MALAYSIA/INDONESIA.’s Super App has further enhanced its ecommerce offer by launching its multi-brand AirAsia Beauty platform in Malaysia and Indonesia.

According to the company, the move acknowledges the growing demand for beauty, skincare and fragrance products in the region. The company has rapid expansion plans for AirAsia Beauty, which it claimed would “take the region by storm”.

AirAsia Beauty’s offer includes skincare, makeup, fragrances, and wellbeing products, inspired by real-life beauty routines. It is accessible under the Beauty Tab of the AirAsia app and offers leading brands such as History of Whoo, Dr. Morita, Mediheal, The Mineraw, Farmskin, Clio, Dashing Diva, Cosrx among others.

AirAsia Beauty currently delivers in Klang Valley, Malaysia and in Jakarta, Indonesia through AirAsia Group’s digital logistics venture, Teleport.

AirAsia’s Cabin Crew serve as ambassadors for AirAsia Beauty

To mark the launch, AirAsia Beauty is offering up to -50% off selected brands and free delivery within Klang Valley from now until 12 May. Customers can also pay with BIG loyalty points and earn BIG points for every purchase on AirAsia Beauty. The launch is also supported by a social media campaign called ‘AirAsia Beauty for everyone.’

“Ecommerce and home shopping has now become part of our daily life,” said AirAsia Super App Head of Ecommerce Lim Ben-Jie. “From our experience with the AirAsia shop, we observed remarkable demand for our beauty products, and we decided to carve out AirAsia beauty as a standalone service, offering authentic beauty products delivered to your doorstep.”

Lim hopes the launch will advance’s mission to become the top lifestyle app in the region. He said: “We hope to share our products to the people of Asean by leveraging on AirAsia’s unique internal talent, none other than our cabin crew and grooming instructors who are the perfect beauty ambassadors. Beauty is part of their everyday regime and they are experts on always looking great and flawless. The addition of AirAsia beauty will further diversify our super app lifestyle offering, bringing us a step closer to becoming Asean’s leading one-stop lifestyle and travel app.

“With AirAsia beauty, consumers can look forward to an integrated online shopping experience supported by real personal beauty tips, product reviews and favourite picks from our Allstars and other users. Beauty is a continuous journey; besides providing consumers with the best items for their skin and delivering them to their doorstep, we are also here to give more resources in helping one to become their best self.”

According to Lim, Malaysia and Indonesia are only the beginning, he said: “Kicking off in the Klang Valley in Malaysia and Jakarta in Indonesia, we have plans for nationwide expansion in Malaysia, Indonesia and followed by other Asean markets. We are working closely with various brands to introduce new products and exclusive bundles soon, so stay tuned for more exciting developments from AirAsia Beauty.”

Beauty is a continuous journey: Lim highlights AirAsia Beauty’s role in enhancing the beauty shopping experience and helping customers “become their best selves”



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