Aegean Airlines firms up order for 30 Airbus A320neo planes

Aegean Airlines has firmed up an order for the purchase of 30 A320neo family aircraft at a ceremony in Athens, witnessed by Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras.

The purchase agreement, comprising 10 A321neos and 20 A320neos, was signed by Aegean chairman Eftichios Vassilakis and Airbus chief executive Tom Enders.

It follows a memorandum of understanding, signed in March.

Currently, Aegean operates a fleet of 49 Airbus aircraft, comprised 37 A320s, 11 A321s and one A319.

Eftichios Vassilakis, chairman of Aegean, stated: “Our agreement with Airbus augments Aegean’s capacity for development along with a trusted, long standing partner.

“We invest in the bestselling A320neo family to enhance our competitiveness and to further improve our service offering to our passengers.

“We believe in the ability of our people to excel in what they do, and they deserve to have the best hardware for the job.”

The A320neo family incorporates the very latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklets, which together deliver at least 15 per cent fuel savings at delivery and 20 per cent by 2020.

With nearly 6,100 orders received from 100 customers, the A320neo family has captured some 60 per cent share of the market.

“Aegean Airlines is a great example of a resilient and superbly managed airline.

“It has weathered the country’s financial crisis and come out of it much stronger than before.

“Moreover, Aegean’s customer focus and attention to service excellence have made the company one of the most awarded airlines in terms of customer satisfaction,” said Enders.

“We are extremely proud Aegean has selected Airbus to boost the efficiency of their future fleet.”

The A321 is the largest member of the A320 family and seats between 185 and 240 passengers, depending on cabin configuration.



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