New Orleans Airport Reminds Travellers of Move to New Terminal

The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport reminds the public that the new terminal at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY) will open to the public on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. All 16 commercial airlines at MSY will operate from the new terminal located at 1 Terminal Drive, Kenner, LA, and the existing facility at 900 Airline Dr., Kenner, LA, will close to the public.

Additionally, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, all flights scheduled to arrive at MSY after 8pm, except for the three Southwest Airlines flights listed below, will arrive at the new terminal. Transportation options will be available for arriving passengers at that time including personal vehicle pickups, taxi, rideshare, limousines as well as hotel, parking and rental car shuttles. Shuttles will also be available to return passengers to the short-term and long-term parking garages, credit card lot and rental car facility located at the existing terminal.

The Southwest flights that will still arrive the current terminal are (arrival times are based on current flight information):

Southwest Flight # 397 (Tampa) arrival at 8:30pm.

Southwest Flight # 449 (Atlanta) arrival at 8:35pm.

Southwest Flight # 993 (Dallas) arrival at 8:40pm.

There will be no departures from the new terminal on November 5; the first departures from the new terminal will start on November 6.

Individuals with travel scheduled during the specified times are advised to take the necessary steps to prepare for arriving at or departing from a different terminal facility in a new location. Passengers should plan to arrive to the airport at least two hours ahead of their scheduled departure to allow enough time to check in, process through security and get to their gate. 

Driving to the New Terminal
Once the terminal opens, travellers will take a different route to access the airport. The new terminal is located in closer proximity to the region’s main thoroughfare, Interstate10 (I-10). Travellers will exit Loyola Drive from I-10, cross over Veterans Boulevard and proceed on the new dedicated airport roadway. The State’s Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) in close coordination with the City of Kenner recently completed improvements to the roadways to accommodate traffic flow through the Veterans/Loyola corridor.

From downtown New Orleans, take I-10 West and exit at Loyola Drive. Turn left at Loyola Drive and continue straight across Veterans Boulevard onto Terminal Drive, which is the Airport’s dedicated roadway system. From there, follow the signage to access the departures curb, arrivals curb, parking options, etc.

From west of the Airport, take I-10 East and exit at Loyola Drive. Turn right at Loyola Drive and continue straight across Veterans Boulevard onto Terminal Drive, which is the Airport’s dedicated roadway system. From there, follow the signage to access the departures curb, arrivals curb, parking options, etc.

From Airline Drive, turn onto the existing Airport Access Road, continue straight toward Veterans Boulevard. Turn left at Veterans Boulevard, and turn left onto Terminal Drive, which is the Airport’s dedicated roadway system. From there, follow the signage to access the departures curb, arrivals curb, parking options, etc.

Arriving at the New Terminal
Once passengers arrive at the new terminal, they should follow signage to the designated area for transportation options such as personal vehicle pickups, taxis, rideshares, limousines, and public transportation, as well as hotel, parking and rental car shuttles.
Travellers who departed from the existing airport terminal before the opening on November 6 will arrive at the new terminal facility. Shuttles will be available to take passengers to the former Short-Term and Long-Term garages located on the south side.

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