Magnum Elite Legend: Imperial Tobacco launches third Davidoff duty free-exclusive edition

Imperial Tobacco has unveiled the third edition in its duty free-exclusive Davidoff Magnum Elite series, Magnum Elite Legend.

The limited-edition cigarette is largely aimed at high-spending Asian, particularly Chinese, travellers and will be available at a few selected airport locations worldwide. Magnum Elite Legend aims to underline the premium position of Davidoff within the duty free environment, Imperial Tobacco said.

Every Davidoff Legend edition is crafted using the finest tobacco leaves, according to the brand. The leaves are harvested at their optimum, matured for up to nine months, after which the master blender creates the signature Magnum Elite Legend blend. Burley tobacco gives it strength, Virginia lends its sweet character, while sun-dried Oriental adds “a hint of the exotic”.

The Magnum Elite Legend cigarettes are presented in individually numbered boxes.

Davidoff Portfolio & Activation Manager Global Duty Free Christian Drews said:

“Davidoff Magnum Elite Legend is the ultimate luxury cigarette, combining a supremely smooth taste and flavour with beautifully designed and handcrafted collectors’ cartons. By the very nature of its limited availability, both in terms of time and location, Davidoff Magnum Elite Legend will become a must-have product for the audience it is aimed at.”

Magnum Elite will be promoted as part of Imperial Tobacco’s ‘For the Hunters’ campaign, which has been further developed this year. The company said that ‘For the Hunters 2.0’ aims to ensure that the Davidoff cigarette stands out even more strikingly than before.

To complement the new campaign, a new limited-edition Davidoff Hunter’s Urban Venture pack is being launched. Davidoff Hunter’s Urban Pack has been crafted with a focus on detail and is said to capture the essence of today’s Davidoff hunters.

Davidoff Magnum Elite Legend, Davidoff Hunter’s Urban Venture and the new Hunters 2.0 campaign will be previewed at TFWA World Exhibition on Imperial Tobacco’s stand (G06, Golden Village).

The company will continue its ‘Experience & Evolution’ approach in Cannes through its themed stand.

Imperial Tobacco Marketing Operations Director Global Duty Free Christian Münstermann commented: “Our goal at this year’s TFWA World Exhibition is to meet our clients from across the globe on our Experience & Evolution themed stand which, this year, is divided into various meeting rooms that reflect our focus and strategies for the coming year.

“Cannes provides us with a very dedicated business environment to build upon our already very close customer working relationships and present our new products, marketing and promotional plans – as well as enjoying a ‘sundowner’ on the terrace to relax at the end of the day.”

The mix of Experience and Evolution of this year’s stand reflects the long tradition of Imperial Tobacco as a ‘Total Tobacco Company’, according to Münstermann. “Experience is demonstrated by Imperial’s knowledge of travellers’ needs and global behaviour patterns along with our strength in product development to meet those requirements,” he said.

Experience and Evolution: Imperial Tobacco’s stand in Cannes will highlight the company’s 360connect customer relationship tool

Key design elements on the stand will reflect the past, present and the future. A giant world map wall will pinpoint Imperial’s brand ambassadors and shop staff globally with videos on the value and importance of training.

Imperial Tobacco recently launched 360connect, a new “state-of-the-art” customer relationship management tool which forms part of the company’s vital training and education strategy for its staff and brand ambassadors globally. The app-based solution, which provides an interactive platform to support engagement between Imperial Tobacco, representatives and customers, works off any iOS device with functions including audits for availability, pricing, and facings.

Münstermann said: “We know that inspired, well-informed and friendly staff can be an important final link in ensuring the right brands and products are in the right locations at the right price. Staff must be product aware and know the differences between tobacco blends and strengths. They need to be able to engage directly with the traveller, recommending alternatives, explaining allowances etc.

“Customer experience is equally important and the Davidoff meeting room uses an exciting Lion 3D graphic sculpture to boldly communicate the new ‘For the Hunters 2.0’ campaign. It’s a very strong campaign, targeting those who hunt for quality. With global roll-out across travel retail coinciding with Cannes, we’ll be focusing strongly on Davidoff at TFWA World Exhibition, but we will also be highlight our key brands Lambert & Butler, West, Gauloises, Golden Virginia and Cohiba Mini Cigars.”

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