On location: Jo Malone London brings Blossom Girls to travel retail in exclusive Changi pre-launch

SINGAPORE. Jo Malone London has partnered with Changi Airport Group and The Shilla Duty Free for an exclusive pre-launch of its Blossom Girls collection. The trio of florals will be exclusively available at Singapore Changi Airport before rolling out in global travel retail on 1 April.

Inspired by “the joys of spring”, the limited-edition range comprises three floral Colognes – Plum Blossom, Nashi Blossom and Sakura Cherry Blossom – presented in eye-catching bottles in neon pink, orange and yellow colours.

To celebrate the launch of Blossom Girls in travel retail, the Estée Lauder Companies-owned fragrance house has created a fun and immersive interactive space designed to mirror the campaign’s colourful, floral creative.

A select group of guests including The Moodie Davitt Report and key influencers from Singapore and China were invited to join representatives from Jo Malone London, Changi Airport Group and The Shilla Duty Free to mark the outpost opening on the evening of 28 March.

Located in Terminal 3 next to the The Shilla Duty Free’s central store, the pop-up installation allows travellers to discover the collection through a variety of experiential activities and services, including Jo Malone London’s signature fragrance combining consultations as well as express hand and arm massages.

For a touch of personalisation, travellers can also get their names laser-engraved on a branded bag charm or handwritten on a gift box by a calligrapher. A photo booth with a Blossom Girls-themed tunnel backdrop offered travellers the chance to take instant photos or GIFs, which can be shared online with the hashtag #BrilliantBlossoms.

Speaking at the event, Estée Lauder Asia Pacific Shopper Insights & Category Strategy Director Chloe Kuang said: “Jo Malone London has been at the forefront of the luxury fragrance world since its inception over 20 years ago. In recent years, we have evolved from a prestige secret to a global phenomenon, and we are thrilled to be here with all of you today to mark the opening of this very exciting new immersive installation and the launch of Blossom Girls. The fragrances are inspired by the joys of spring and as you can see, we have really brought vibrancy and a spirit of fun into this interactive space.

“We are so excited for travellers from all over the world to discover and enjoy the new scents here as Singapore Changi Airport is really the first place to launch Blossom Girls before anywhere else worldwide. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Changi Airport Group and The Shilla Duty Free for their great partnership and support in bringing this exciting and unique consumer experience to life.”

Jo Malone London Vice President/General Manager Travel Retail Worldwide Ayaz Furniturewalla added: “We are excited to bring our fresh, fun, limited edition Blossom Girls collection to travel retail. We hope travellers passing through will fall in love with the scents and enjoy discovering the collection in this interactive way.”

Changi Airport Group Senior Vice President of Airside Concession Teo Chew Hoon commented: “We are delighted to partner with Jo Malone London and The Shilla Duty Free to bring this limited-edition collection here to Changi Airport before its global launch. Passengers can look forward to discovering Jo Malone London’s unique and enchanting fragrances amid a variety of fun activities in this exclusive space, set to thrill and indulge.”

The Shilla Duty Free Vice President of Global Merchandising Division Raelene Johnson said: “We are proud to partner with Jo Malone London to bring back the limited edition Blossom Girls collection to travel retail. Strategic partnerships such as this elevate the shopping experience for travellers, enhancing customer engagement through experiential activities.”

Blossom Girls is available at The Shilla Duty Free at Changi Airport from 26 March. The scents can also be pre-ordered via the airport’s online shopping portal, iShopChangi, from 19 March to 10 May. The name calligraphy activity is only available on selected days and times (Fridays and Saturdays, 1-4pm).

Blossom Girls – “The New Flower Power”

Plum Blossom features cerise splashes of plum blossom with yellow plums, with a background of clean white musk.

Nashi Blossom combines white flowers, nashi fruit, pear and crisp apple with rose and white musk.

Sakura Cherry Blossom offers subtle layers of cherry blossom, rose and violet, brightened with sparkling bergamot.

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