Lagardère Travel Retail team member captures Hong Kong Airport service accolade

HONG KONG. Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has presented its annual Customer Service Excellence Programme (CSEP) awards, with a major individual accolade for a Lagardère Travel Retail team member.

More than 950 airport staff were lauded for excellence in customer service. The award ceremony was officiated by Airport Authority Hong Kong CEO Fred Lam and Dr Peter Lam, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board.

The Best Customer Service of the Year Individual Excellence Award went to Hugo Li Pik-ki of Lagardère Travel Retail Hong Kong Limited, who assisted an elderly man who found himself separated from his wife after passing through the security checkpoint.

More than 950 staff were recognised for their excellence in customer service at the Asian hub

A HKIA press release said:

“The man was on the floor helpless and in tears, with his belongings scattered around him. When Li approached the man to offer help, she noticed a distraught woman, soon identified as the man’s wife, walking towards them. After helping reunite to them, Li rushed to buy antiseptic napkins and new pants for the elderly man, who was suffering from urinary incontinence. Li assisted the couple to the restroom to clean up and change. She then bought them bread and water and escorted them to the boarding gate for their flight to Canada.”

Fred Lam said:

“Thanks to the passion and professionalism of the 73,000 airport staff who help achieve high operational efficiency at HKIA, our airport has been recognised multiple times for the quality of its service. Our excellence does not simply manifest in efficiency, but also care about customers, especially when they are in need.”

Dr. Peter Lam remarked that the airport staff’s excellent service often creates a good first impression of Hong Kong for visitors.

“HKIA is the first place travellers experience when they arrive in Hong Kong, and its staff are just like ambassadors for the city. I hope all of today’s awardees continue to demonstrate the best of Hong Kong hospitality by serving travellers with kindness and care.”

“HKIA is the first place travellers experience when they arrive in Hong Kong, and its staff are just like ambassadors for the city,” noted Dr. Peter Lam

Staff from Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited (HAGSL) received the Best Customer Service of the Year Cross-Company Excellence Awards for their quick response when a heavy snowstorm hit Sapporo in December 2016, causing operations at New Chitose International Airport to be suspended for four days. Hong Kong Airlines and HAGSL staff were dispatched to Sapporo to deal with stranded passengers, while two staff who were on holiday in Sapporo volunteered to help.

Four Airport Authority staff who helped save the life of a passenger with their prompt response and professional skills received the Best Customer Service of the Year Corporate Excellence Awards. When duty staff at the Integrated Airport Centre received a report that a female passenger had fainted at a boarding gate, they immediately requested two operation officers in the area and an ambulance to provide assistance. On arrival, one of the operation officers found that the passenger was unconscious and had no pulse. He immediately applied an automated external defibrillator and began cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The ambulance then brought the passenger to North Lantau Hospital, where she later regained consciousness.

The CSEP awards were launched in 2002 to recognise outstanding individuals, teams and companies for service excellence, and to drive improvement in customer care across the airport community.

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