Kiehl’s and Shilla unveil spectacular Lunar New Year animation at Changi Airport

SINGAPORE. L’Oréal-owned New York skincare brand Kiehl’s has welcomed the Year of the Rat by unveiling its new ‘Lunar New Year’ pop-up concept in partnership with The Shilla Duty Free at Changi Airport T3.

Created exclusively for Singapore Changi Airport, the Kiehl’s Lunar New Year pop-up is located at the T3 Departure Hall. It was unveiled to the public on 4 January and will run until 9 February.

“With a specially curated, customer-centric experience, guests are transported to the Kiehl’s universe upon stepping into the pop-up, and are immersed in the discovery of Kiehl’s best-selling products through multiple digital touchpoints.” – Kiehl’s Travel Retail Asia Pacific General Manager Petrina Kho

The pop-up was celebrated with a festive launch on 17 January. The event was  attended by representatives from Changi Airport Group, The Shilla Duty Free and Kiehl’s Travel Retail Asia Pacific.

It was also graced by Chinese Actor Dylan Wang, who shot to fame for his role in drama, Meteor Garden. During the event, Wang shared his favourite Kiehl’s products and wished his fans a prosperous new year.

“Changi Airport Group is kicking off the Lunar New Year festivities with this global exclusive pop-up, in partnership with Kiehl’s and The Shilla Duty Free,” said Changi Airport Group Senior Vice President Airside Concessions Teo Cheow Hoon.

“Travellers can engage in fun and memorable experiences at the interactive space, while shopping for the perfect gifts for their friends and families.”

The eye-catching pop-up, decked in festive hues of red, features an engaging retail experience that invites guests to explore Kiehl’s best-selling products through various digital touchpoints. Once they step inside the pop-up, guests are greeted with life-sized cutouts illustrated by Artist Eirian Chapman. It also offers plenty of photo opportunities, gamification elements, and a playful visual introduction to Kiehl’s.

One of the highlights is the ‘Make a Wish’ New Year Wishing Booth, where guests can take photos with a larger-than-life replica of the 2020 CNY limited edition Kiehl’s Ultra Face Cream. Visitors can write their Lunar New Year blessings on an interactive digital screen, personalise it with colours and stickers, and share it with family and friends.

As an added gamification element, travellers can also try their hand at the ‘Tap Tap The Rat’ corner, where they can win attractive Kiehl’s prizes.

The immersive Kiehl’s journey concludes at the Chinese Calligraphy table, where travellers can view a selection of blessings and take them away as mementos. They can opt to have their favourite messages hand-written by an on-site calligrapher, or write their own ‘Fai Chun’ with customised practice sheets provided at the activity station.

The Shilla Duty Free Singapore Managing Director Jeff Lee said, “At The Shilla Duty Free Singapore, we aim to create unique shopping experiences that will excite travellers.

“Working closely together with Kiehl’s Travel Retail Asia Pacific and Changi Airport Group, we strive to push the boundaries in delivering exceptional customer-centric retail experiences.”

As part of Kiehl’s continuing effort to give back to the community, with every 2020 Lunar New Year Limited Edition Ultra Facial Cream 125ml sold, Kiehl’s will donate  US$1 (up to US$30,000) to non-profit organisation Jane Goodall Institute Singapore.

The donation will support student-initiated activities under its Roots & Shoots programme, which encourages and empowers young individuals to do their part in solving human, animal welfare, and environmental problems in their communities.

“With a specially curated, customer-centric experience, guests are transported to the Kiehl’s universe upon stepping into the pop-up, and are immersed in the discovery of Kiehl’s best-selling products through multiple digital touchpoints,” said Kiehl’s Travel Retail Asia Pacific General Manager Petrina Kho.

“I am very proud that we continue to successfully engage its customers in an evolving retail landscape, while supporting a meaningful cause that gives back to the community,” she added.

The festive animation also features an exclusive lunar new year travel retail set that includes the best-selling Calendula Herbal Extract Alcohol Free Toner, Ultra Facial Cream and Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado.

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