K-pop power pays off for The Shilla Duty Free and Changi Airport

SINGAPORE. Last Friday’s Shilla Beauty Concert to celebrate The Shilla Duty Free’s opening at Changi Airport’s new Terminal 4 reaped further publicity benefits after two of the main acts visited the store.

As reported, around 5,000 people attended the concert last Friday evening at Singapore’s Suntec Convention Centre, presented by The Shilla Duty Free and Changi Airport Group. It featured performances by big-name South Korean K-pop stars Eddy Kim, Red Velvet and SHINee.

Earlier, boy band SHINee and girl group Red Velvet visited Shilla’s T4 beauty store and met media from Singapore, China and Indonesia.

Asked for her reaction to the shopping experience at The Shilla Duty Free’s new store, SHINee’s Jonghyun said, “It was really well equipped with lots of products, and the staff were friendly.”

“We are very honoured to be the new ambassadors for The Shilla Duty Free alongside SHINee,” said Irene, leader of Red Velvet. “We like the new store here because it’s so big and there is a wide variety of products.”

Grand entrance: Red Velvet arrive at the new terminal for a store tour and press conference

K-pop pulling power to the fore as journalists from several countries quiz the stars

Putting a new complexion on things: SHINee members talk skincare tips

Red Velvet’s performance on Friday night also included a chat segment where the group members shared beauty tips.  SHINee, longstanding ambassadors of The Shilla Duty Free, also talked about their “must-have” skincare products and shopping tips at The Shilla Duty Free in a question and answer session.

The modern face(s) of The Shilla Duty Free, SHINee and Red Velvet, at Changi Airport Terminal 4

Hotel Shilla President of Travel Retail Division Ingyu Han said: “This concert was an intimate way to show our heartfelt appreciation to all our partners and loyal customers for their support through the year. It was a delight to host SHINee, Red Velvet, and Eddy Kim at our newly opened T4 Cosmetics & Perfumes store. We are proud to have presented a spectacular treat for all our partners and fans at Shilla Beauty Concert and are thankful for all the support from various vendors, organisers, and teams who made this all possible.”

Changi Airport Group Senior Vice President of Airside Concessions Ms Teo Chew Hoon said: “The popular Korean artistes SHINee and Red Velvet generated a lot of excitement to celebrate the new Terminal 4. We are very happy to support our valued partner, The Shilla Duty Free, to organise the concert and create this valuable experience. We look forward to continue our partnership with more innovative ways to delight our passengers.”

The concert experience was shared on social media via the hashtags #ShillaBeautyConcert, #ShillaDutyFreeSG and #ShillaSG.

Eddy Kim (above and below) wows adoring fans

(Above and below) Meet girl group Red Velvet (from left) Joy, Yeri, Irene, Wendy and Seulgi

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