House of Elrick artisanal gin sets its sights on the international market

Scottish brand House of Elrick has laid out its expansion plans in global travel retail for its artisanal gin and other products, including tartan accessories.

Launched in travel retail last year, House of Elrick gin, presented in stand-out matte blue bottles, claims to be only spirit made from water from Loch Ness.

The craft gin is available at World Duty Free stores in regional Scottish airports including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness and Aberdeen. From the beginning of this month, it is also listed at Heathrow Terminal 5.

House of Elrick Owner and Founder Stuart Ingram said: “Initial results at T5 are very encouraging and in Scotland we’re selling over 80 bottles a week, with sales increasing all the time.

“With domestic distribution for House of Elrick now building outside the UK, including Denmark, Holland and Italy, along with interest from Russia and Sweden, we believe the time is right to take the brand into the wider global travel retail arena.”

House of Elrick gin combines botanicals with juniper, coriander seeds, angelica root and citrus peel with core ingredients heather, pink peppercorns, sweet fennel and rose petals. Its taste is described as fresh and earthy, with an infusion of flavours.

“Fresh and earthy”: House of Erick looks to make its mark in the craft gin category

The gin takes its name from a house constructed in Aberdeenshire in 1720, at the height of the Scottish Enlightenment Period. During that time, in the 18th and early 19th century, Scotland was characterised by an outpouring of intellectual and scientific accomplishments. The house was owned by an entrepreneurial family of cattle farmers and millers; its story includes links with royalty and Jacobite roses (a symbol of a political movement in Great Britain and Ireland).

Ingram is redeveloping the historic estate as a gin-making facility and destination restaurant. An onsite distillery is due to open in the New Year.

He said “quality over quantity” is key to the production of House of Elrick gin. “Our liquid is distilled by hand in batches of 600 bottles per run, which means we can maintain control over every bottle that leaves our distillery. Working with independent farmers and suppliers to craft a liquid of absolute premium quality, the final liquid speaks for itself.”

Packaging is designed to underline the spirit’s quality. The gin’s 700ml ‘Little Pasha’ bottle features a cork stopper and matte blue finish, with screen printing in silver ink.

Not just a gin brand: House of Elrick also has its own tartan

“Irrespective of whether you are a large or small producer, there should be no compromise on creating the maximum shelf impact,” Ingram continued.

“We’re confident we’ve done that for House of Elrick, creating an end product that sits in the premium sector so in demand by the travel retail channel. Craft gin is highly competitive, but the quality of House of Elrick gin enables it to sit alongside all other existing premium brands as an international player in its own right.”

House of Elrick gin is the first in a series of branded spirits and goods which will bear the estate’s name. It has a registered design with The Scottish Register of Tartans and scarves, ties, cushions and other accessories are available.

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