Highland Park Single Cask series debuts in Asia with DFS at Singapore Changi

Edrington brand Highland Park has launched its limited-edition Highland Park Single Cask series in Asian travel retail in partnership with DFS at Singapore Changi Airport.

The exclusive launch at DFS Whiskey House features two bottlings of 15yo single malt Scotch whisky which are customised with DFS Whiskey House Exclusive labels. Some 1,080 bottles are available. The RRP per 700cl bottle is S$249 (US$183).

The Highland Park’s Single Cask series launched in May 2017 at London Heathrow Airport and sold out in just over a month.

“Every bottling of the Single Cask series represents a rare opportunity for avid collectors and exceptional whisky lovers to discover the unique characteristics of a single particular cask,” Highland Park stated.

Each cask has been selected by the brand’s Master Blender for standing apart from the rest of the casks maturing at the Highland Park Distillery. The two bottlings are drawn from casks #284 and #2154, with 474 and 606 bottles available respectively.

Meet, greet and taste: Highland Park Senior Brand Ambassador Martin Markvardsen was on hand to guide shoppers at the DFS Whiskey Bar House

To mark the unveiling Highland Park Senior Brand Ambassador Martin Markvardsen led a Meet & Greet Tasting Event at the T2 DFS Whiskey House Bar.

Markvardsen guided shoppers through sampling of the two new limited editions and presented the first 30 purchasers with autographed bottles and an exclusive Highland Park t-shirt. At the end of the two hour session, 14 bottles of Highland Park Single Cask were sold.

Edrington Asia Travel Retail Commercial Director Marcelo Colombo said: “We have a long track record of partnering with DFS at Singapore Changi Airport to leverage this exceptional location as the launch pad for new product innovations.

“Given our strong partnership with DFS, and a growing momentum behind the Highland Park Brand in Asia, we are excited to launch the Single Cask series in the region, initially at DFS Whiskey House.

“Here in particular, we are showcasing two different 15yo exceptional whiskies, one aged in European Oak and the other in American Oak, which offers a unique experience for whisky enthusiasts to appreciate the influence of different wood types on the Highland Park spirit.”

Autographed t-shirts were offered to 30 lucky customers

DFS Senior Vice President Spirits, Wine, Tobacco, Food and Gifts Brooke Supernaw added: “At DFS, we take great pride in offering new and exclusive products to our discerning travelling customers. Highland Park Single Cask offers whiskey enthusiasts and connoisseurs with an opportunity to purchase a true collector’s item from an iconic single malt brand. We are sure it will delight our customers at DFS Changi Airport.”

European Oak Sherry Cask #384 (first-fill European Sherry Butt Cask) has 62% ABV. The whisky has a deep ruby appearance; aromas include dried orange peel, cinnamon bark, peat and root ginger. On the palate it is spicy, light medicinal with caramelized fig, and its finish is described as lingering with dry spicy notes.

American Oak Sherry Cask #2154 (first-fill American Sherry Butt Cask) has 61.8% ABV. Appearance is golden, aromas include vanilla, oak shavings, nutmeg, peat and pear and taste is sweet, with vanilla, toasted oak and smoky notes. Finish is sweet, with tastes of pear, vanilla and smoke.

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