Following the Equator: International Tourism Film Festival Maldives to return to Sun Siyam Iru Fushi

The second edition of International Tourism Film Festival Maldives is to be hosted by Sun Siyam Resorts, with the event set to take place from November 16th-18th this year at Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives.

The concept behind the event is to gather talents of different ages, interests and backgrounds at one place.

With the success of the first edition, Sun Siyam Resorts hopes to have a much grand event this year, with international celebrities and media.

This year’s festival, extended over three days, will be filled with special events which are impeccable in its entertaining and educating aspects.

It is a platform for innovative work from both professionals and amateurs – in other words the perfect ground for networking.

“An occasion such as this will unite all those with a deep love for art and tourism,” explained a spokesman for Sun Siyam Resorts.

“We invite film makers and producers of all calibres to submit their content to be featured.

“If you have not already, this is the perfect opportunity to show your creativity and share with the world your perception.”

The deadline to submit all entries is July 21st this year.

Results will be communicated in September 2017.

More Information

The International Tourism Film Festival Maldives brings together professionals, celebrities and guests from across the globe to share their passion for traveling and seeing the beauty of it, the love for art, tourism and sports.

Festival entries include movies about interesting and unique places all over the world, shining a light onto the different cultures and histories of countries and their events.

Films last from one to 13 minutes.

With contributions and sponsorship from major stakeholders in the industry, the first event last year was a great success.

Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives

The event takes place at the multi-award winning property of Sun Siyam group, The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives, which is the flagship property within the group.

Located in the unspoiled Noonu Atoll and set within 52 acres of white sands and exotic flora, here guests are immersed in a timeless culture.

From the intuitive detail and personalised service that creates the most beautiful moments, to the sublime ambience that permeates each unforgettable taste, touch and experience.

Since its brand launch in 2014 as The Sun Siyam, it has gained international recognition across the globe.

The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives makes it the perfect venue to host the International Tourism Film Festival Maldives.

The resort was last year recognised as the Indian Ocean’s Leading Family Resort by the World Travel Awards and will this year host the Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony.

Find out more about this one of a kind property here.

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