Dufry expands at Cancún Airport and opens first New Generation Store in Latin America

MEXICO. Dufry Group has opened 2,540sq m of new retail and opened its latest New Generation Store in 1,900sq m of space at Cancún International Airport.

The ‘New Generation’ concept features extensive use of digital applications to increase passenger communication and drive sales. Other New Generation stores are now open in Melbourne and Madrid, with more planned.

Following a ten-year contract renewal signed last year with Aeropuertos del Sureste (ASUR) and the inauguration of the new Terminal 4, Dufry has expanded its operation at the airport considerably. Its presence now spans 16 stores and almost 6,300sq m of retail space.

In the new terminal, as noted above, Dufry has added 2,540sq m across seven new shops with a full range of luxury products in both duty free and duty paid segments, complementing Dufry’s existing presence in T2 andT 3.

The New Generation Store offers travellers a “more personalised shopping experience through digital communication” noted Dufry. Tablets and new digital screen equipment will allow the communication with customer to be more flexible and to adapt to different nationalities according to arrival and departure flights. This allows to better tailor messaging to the specific preferences of changing passenger profiles.

The new shop concept presents a high degree of customisation, as a way to connect customers with this digital atmosphere through integrated audio and advertising. For example, six brands will have the opportunity to broadcast their advertising throughout the store using the digital screens for 30 seconds at a time.


In T2, Dufry operates almost 1,700sq m with six stores: three duty free with a total of 1,155sq m and three duty paid, with 519sq m. In T3, with an area close to 2,080sq m, the retailer has two duty free shops, covering 2,031sq m and a duty paid shop of 52sq m. Luxury brands such as Chanel, Victoria’s Secret, Michael Kors, Lacoste and Tommy Hilfiger are among those represented.

In the newly-opened T4’s international ara, in addition to the duty free New Generation Store, there is also a 119sq m duty free Last Minute store. In arrivals, Dufry operates a 162sq m general duty free shop.

The duty paid segment is also presented in the domestic area. Dufry opened four different shops in departures: a 157sq m perfumery boutique i offering fragrances from brands such as Calvin Klein, Chanel, Bvlgari, Carolina Herrera, among others; a Last Minute shop of 26sq m; a 42sq m MAC store, plus a 126sq m Victoria’s Secret store.

The duty free shop in Terminal 4 is set up as a walk-through, featuring a strong Sense of Place through key design elements reflecting Mexican culture such as wrestling ‘lucha libre, typical tiles and tequila.

The store presents two main theme areas. The ‘Essence of Mexico’, located in a premium position in the store centre, offers a selection of local products including tequila, mezcal, wines and other Mexican alcoholic drinks. ‘Taste of Mexico’ features local confectionery such as chocolates, natural vanilla and gourmet coffee. It also offers hot sauces such as habanero, jalapeño and chipotle, plus salt worms, biscuits and Mexican ‘dulce de leche’  among other specialties.

Dufry Division 4 CEO René Riedi commented: “We are very pleased with Dufry’s partnership with ASUR and the inauguration of this new terminal at Cancún International Airport. As we are expanding our operation, customers will enjoy the world-class shopping experience of Dufry in the innovative environment of the New Generation Store.

“This is the first store of this concept launched in Latin America with Mexico being chosen due to its importance as one of the most touristic destinations in the world and also due to the support received from our partner. Our team is ready and willing to provide innovative retail solutions and looking forward to develop more incredible stores at this airport.”

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