Desigual brings the Extraordinary to its Woman Collection AW17

Desigual has introduced its Woman Collection AW17, Extraordinary, to travel retail. The collection is said to blend the creativity, innovation and fun of the brand with new materials and styles.

The collection is being launched this month in travel retail in four phased drops to promote Desigual’s “Always New” concept of frequently changing products and merchandising within the ready-to-wear offer in travel retail.

Extraordinary is described as having a “casual style with sporty tendencies, without forgetting the romantic and exotic touches so characteristic of the brand”.

The ecru trend (right) features heavily on pieces such as patchwork knits and down jackets

Down jackets and coats are available in new patterns that can be turned around and taken apart. Colours include beiges, reds, blacks and navy blue. Lightweight sweaters and cardigans are made from thick, soft materials such as cashmere and Italian jacquard. Features include embroidery, prints and marble weaves.

Styles for the denim collection have been updated, including an ‘unexpected’ military look and the mixture of fabrics alongside different colours and finishes. The black denim twist is paired with vintage-washed touches and enriched with lace, patchwork and embroidery. Star pieces include the black denim jackets with knit sleeves, the bomber and the tencel blouse with exotic detailing. This season, black, dark blue and grey are the leading tones, combined with red and maroon touches.

The ecru (pale) trend features heavily this season, with pieces in white, beige and cream tones with patchwork knits, soft down jackets with knit interiors and soft-coloured t-shirts and blouses. Details include soft ruffles with details in gold, studs and frills.

Desigual said Extraordinary’s styles and materials will appeal to the “active, fashionable travelling woman”

Officewear includes shirts and blouses with plaid details and navy blue stripes and shirt dresses with flower embroidery on the sleeves and chest, along with detailing on the cuffs and collar. Bat sleeves and soft fabrics also feature.

Boho, a distinctive symbol of the brand, gains traction with colourful ethnic prints on dresses with new straight cuts, with layers of tulle at different heights. Plaid dominates blazers and coats which are covered in navy blue with warm touches.

Africa has inspired down jackets in reddish tones, knee-length pleated skirts in earth tones, extra-long knit jackets and embroidered ethnic shorts with studs. Animal prints feature on dresses, jackets and skirts.

Desigual Head of Travel Retail Marco Gadola commented:

“Desigual’s new Woman Collection AW17 blends the creativity, innovation and fun of our brand with new materials and styles to define new fashion trends that will appeal perfectly to the active, fashionable travelling woman. With our Always New phased launch strategy, we seek to create more dynamic and differentiated experiences to help drive footfall and penetration.” 

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