Abu Dhabi Airports awards retail spaces at new Midfield Terminal to LuLu Group

UAE. Abu Dhabi Airports has awarded two retail unit spaces in Abu Dhabi International Airport’s upcoming Midfield Terminal to the LuLu Group, a powerful and diverse conglomerate* headquartered in Abu Dhabi that enjoys a strong retail presence in the UAE, the GCC and globally. The spectacular and much-anticipated terminal will open in 2020.

Abu Dhabi Airports signed an agreement with LuLu Group on 19 November that embraces a specialist gifting retail space and a dedicated non-food department store, collectively encompassing 1,833sq m.

LuLu joins an eclectic mix of specialist brands and anchor duty free stores at the Midfield Terminal, which includes 28,000sq m of commercial space for duty free shopping, dining, relaxing and entertainment.

Abu Dhabi Airports said that its partnership with LuLu Group is the result of a commitment to developing strategic partnerships with UAE industry, ensuring that local products and services are a key aspect of the Midfield Terminal’s “world-class passenger experience”.

Chairman of Abu Dhabi Airports His Excellency Sheikh Mohammad Bin Hamad Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan said: “The Midfield Terminal is one of the region’s most significant aviation infrastructure projects, and it is only fitting that it will now be home to one of the region’s most successful international conglomerates.

“LuLu Group will make a significant contribution to our long-term retail strategy, and we look forward to working closely with them in the coming months and years.”

“The innovate thinking and strategy behind our fit-out of the Midfield Terminal’s retail spaces is perfectly aligned with the grandeur of the building itself, ensuring that we exceed passenger expectations and deliver a seamless and comfortable experience.”Abu Dhabi Airports Chief Executive Officer Bryan Thompson said: “We are delighted to partner with the LuLu Group as we work to deliver the Midfield Terminal. This deal showcases the inclusive and diverse retail environment present at Abu Dhabi International Airport, and we are confident that the addition of the LuLu brand will contribute toward providing passengers with an enjoyable and memorable experience when arriving, departing or transiting through the airport.

LuLu Group Chairman and Founder Yusuff Ali M.A said: “We are really excited and proud to have been awarded retail space in the upcoming world-class new Midfield Terminal at Abu Dhabi International Airport. Our legacy of more than four decades in the retail industry across UAE, GCC & other parts of world will surely hold us in great esteem to come up with a trend-setting retail ambiance both in terms of design and product offerings.

“We are leaving no stones unturned to deliver a world-class shopping experience to the millions of travellers expected to arrive in Abu Dhabi.”

To reflect the modern and new-age design of the terminal building in all aspects of the new terminal, LuLu Group has recruited leading international architects to design its “ultra-modern and futuristic” stores. The retailer has also committed to stocking handpicked, high-quality products, offered at affordable prices and sold exclusively at the Midfield Terminal.

*Note: LuLu Group International has interests in hypermarket, supermarkets, department stores and shopping malls with over 180 retail branches in ten markets and production and sourcing offices in 22 countries across the Middle East, Asia, the US and Europe. Its turnover last year was US$7.4 billion.

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