Spanish wine and spirits producer, Zamora Company, brings dynamism to the liqueur category with Licor 43 Baristo

Licor 43 Baristo is a fusion of Licor 43 Original, containing 43 natural ingredients, including a one-of-a-kind coffee from the Canary Islands. The result of this assemblage is a complex and elegant liqueur that delivers surprising new flavours, but conserves the characteristic soul of Licor 43: freshly roasted coffee, in harmony with the botanic, citric, floral and vanilla notes of Licor 43 Original. It is a complex and sophisticated drink with a surprising new flavour and premium presentation, which is why it is not considered to be a coffee liqueur. It has an ABV of 31%.

Driven by the heritage of Licor 43, the art of selecting ingredients and extracting their flavours to create surprising liqueurs, Licor 43 Baristo has discovered one of the few coffee plantations in Europe. In Agaete Valley, located on the island of Gran Canaria, Spain, local farmers have been growing the Arabica Typica varietal for more than 200 years. This rare coffee, highly acclaimed by coffee experts, has been frequently classified as a speciality. The volcanic soil of Gran Canaria, paired with its mild climate and the presence of tropical trees, provides the ideal conditions to grow this exotic and unique type of coffee.

Licor 43 Baristo’s distinctive packaging pays tribute to the coffee universe. The bottle reflects the dark colours of the coffee, by adding a black coating to the base, which fuses into transparent glass to showcase the dark golden colour of the liquid. The name pays tribute to the barista profession: experts and artists in coffee. The design of the label, based on the 43 logo, was inspired by the art-deco style decoration in classic cafés at the beginning of the twentieth century. An elegant, premium and eye-catching proposition that embodies the essence of the liquid it contains. Additional glassware features distinctive art-deco style and detailing.

Licor 43 Baristo is perfect for food and drink lovers, for people who care about the quality of ingredients and people who are curious and love to try new food and drinks recipes and share them with others. It is recommended to be enjoyed on the rocks, after any meal at home, at a favourite restaurant or coffee shop. Licor 43 Baristo livens up any after-meal occasion, to enjoy it to the full and make the most of the moment.

Thomas Clamens, Managing Director at Zamora Company International explains, ‘This is the second sub-brand in Licor 43´s history, after the successful launch in 2016 of the award winning Licor 43 Orochata. Licor 43 Baristo responds to consumer demands for natural and complex liquids and the booming coffee trend. The liquid is like no other, offering consumers a completely different drink experience, the best of Licor 43 and the rare & special Canary Island Coffee.

Licor 43 Baristo will be available in selected retail stores of Holland, Germany, Brazil, Austria, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Canada and the global travel retail channel. Its distribution will be expanded little by little throughout 2019 to other markets. Licor 43 Baristo 700ml bottle retails at 17.9 €.

Licor 43, the number one Spanish liqueur brand is available in over 70 markets and is one of the leading traditional liqueur brands in Germany, Spain, the US and Mexico and the number one liqueur in The Netherlands.

Now it is the fastest growing liqueur in the world, with over 700,000 cases of 8.4 litres sold worldwide in 2016. One of the key drivers of this growth was the successful launch of Licor 43 Orochata, awarded as innovation of the year in The Netherlands which has become an important part of the brand since it was launched in 2016.

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