Nestlé ITR innovates in Orlando with new product additions

Nestlé International Travel Retail will be returning to Orlando this year for the Summit of the Americas exhibition, where it will present its new products and continue to capitalise on its ‘10 in 10’ strategy (booth 15).

New products set to hit the market this year include the travel retail exclusive KITKAT® Gold Traveler’s Limited Edition – containing three four-finger Gold KITKAT® bars with a caramelized flavour in a special snack and sharing format. On shelf from Q2 2020, KITKAT® Gold Traveler’s Limited Edition offers an elevated indulgent experience for consumers, inspiring travellers to break in style, building buzz and excitement among shoppers.

Also new is the extension of Nestlé’s existing Nestlé Swiss indulgent tablet range with NESTLÉ SWISS® Dark Blueberry 170g. Perfect for sharing, it combines dark Swiss chocolate with generous amounts of Blueberry, Almonds and Hazelnuts in an exciting new creation. Set to launch in March 2020, the product brings together more than 100 years of chocolate-making expertise with sustainably sourced cacao and visible fruit and nuts for a truly indulgent experience.

Visitors can view the new London-themed presentation for NITR’s indulgent after-dinner mint treat, After Eight Mint Chocolate Thins. Available now, the unique, 400g travel retail box highlights the UK origins of the iconic chocolate by bringing the London skyline to life. Originally created in 1962, After Eight Mints have become a staple of dinner parties and social gatherings across the world with over one billion of the darkly delicious treats made annually. The new and sumptuously packaged gift product presents buyers with a sophisticated and striking gift opportunity to enhance their evenings with friends and family.

Last, but by no means least, NITR will also showcase Baci, an internationally recognised brand, popular the world over for its taste, quality and Italian heritage. The word Baci means “kisses” in Italian and the original dark Baci are popular in 55 countries. This is a luxury brand, which will appeal to discerning gift-buyers, as well as those who are fans of the immensely popular trend for dark chocolate in the market today. Baci was first crafted in 1922 in the heart of Italy. Each unique chocolate is made of only 8 high quality ingredients wrapped in an iconic love note written in various languages to bring its message of love and affection to life for shoppers. Currently, the travel retail range includes four decadently dark offerings: Baci Original Dark Bag, Baci Original Dark Bijou, Baci Extra Dark Bijou and Baci Original Dark Box and the smooth and sumptuous Baci Milk Bijou.

These new products have been developed and launched to meet category growth drivers identified by research conducted for NITR, which form the basis for its 10 in 10 ambition. Launched last year, the 10 in 10 initiative – to double the size of the travel retail confectionery and fine foods category to $10billion in the next 10 years – sits alongside NITR’s SOUL approach: Story, Occasion, Unique, and Local.

NITR’s General Manager, Stewart Dryburgh, comments: “We have been extremely pleased with the positive response we’ve received from the majority of our customers to 10 in 10 and are looking forward to having in-depth discussions on this initiative with our retail partners in the Americas. NITR’s specific understanding of shoppers’ needs, following exclusive research into the buying habits of 34,000 consumers across 19 markets worldwide, are demonstrated by our new product launches and exciting new activation concepts that we look forward to sharing with our partners in what continues to be a vital region for NITR.”

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