Nuwave Channel Partners builds upon success, securing distribution agreement with LEGO license holders IQ Hong Kong for TR exclusive range

Nuwave Channel Partners, suppliers of stylish and innovative technology, gadgets and accessories to the travel retail market through its in-house brands Bitmore and Studio 19 London, is celebrating the start of 2020 with the announcement of a new LEGO-themed distribution agreement with Chinese manufacturer IQ Hong Kong.

A LEGO-branded, travel retail exclusive range manufactured by IQ Hong Kong (global licence holders for LEGO stationary, LED keylights and other accessories featuring the iconic LEGO look and the more recent and wildly popular superhero and Star Wars variants) will now be distributed by Nuwave across all the regions and channels in which the company operates including both airports and airlines.

The exclusive product bundles – not available anywhere else on the high street or online – will be a boon for both travel retailers and travelling LEGO fans looking to obtain some truly exclusive products from one of the world’s best-loved toy companies. A selection has already been listed by TUI for the Spring-Summer season.

Nuwave Channel Partners already successfully supplies thousands of global flyers with a mix of essential travel gadgets globally on some 40 airlines including Emirates, Virgin Atlantic, Etihad Airways, Norwegian, easyJet and Ryanair. Its comprehensive range features affordable, desirable and design-focused products such as power banks, phone accessories, headphones and action cameras from its existing travel retail brand Bitmore, alongside high-end quality audio equipment and speakers through Studio 19 London. Two further offerings from the company include beach accessories brand Wavez and Armor London, the British lifestyle brand that provides a collection of premium wallets, bags and phone cases.

Nuwave Channel Partners Managing Director Hoj Parmar said: “We are very excited to kick off 2020 with the announcement of a travel retail distribution agreement with IQ Hong Kong and are greatly looking forward to offering global travellers some truly unique products from a brand as iconic and enduring such as LEGO, alongside our already comprehensive range.

“We are extremely proud of the relationships we have built with travel retail over the last 12 months and the several highlights we have created along the way – both with and for our long-standing partners.

“Our agreement with IQ Hong Kong covering the LEGO brand is the next step in our commitment to bringing travel retail exclusive, high-quality and sought-after products.”

カテゴリー: Blog



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