News: P&O celebrates anniversary with new exclusive gin

To commemorate 180 years of P&O history – and to celebrate World Gin Day on June 10th – P&O Cruises is launching its first-ever exclusive blended gin, which combines global botanicals with a distinctive British flair.

Anderson’s Gin – named after P&O co-founder Arthur Anderson – is uniquely hand-crafted and blended by P&O Cruises in-house team and distilled at Edinburgh’s award-winning Summerhall Distillery.

Each bottle of Anderson’s Gin is then bottled, labelled, waxed and shipped fleet-wide.

Anderson’s Gin is a distinctively premium blend and tells the story of east meets west with 11 key botanicals born from P&O’s historical routes being copper distilled to create a superbly smooth and lightly spiced gin.

According to the developer, the aroma is juniper-led with hints of delicate coriander spice and fragrant citrus notes from kaffir lime and blood orange.

On the palate, the gin starts with a tingling, all-encompassing mouth feel, peppered with sweet aromatic spice – the sweetness of fennel and star anise and warming, dominant coriander notes.

Ceylon tealeaves and heather provide a subtle floral finish and the addition of angelica root makes the perfect base for a delicious gin and tonic.

The bottle’s label design traces Arthur Anderson’s original nautical lines, both literally and figuratively and is inspired by traditional nautical charts with a nod to the gin’s namesake in the shape of his silhouette.

P&O Cruises senior vice president Paul Ludlow said: “Gin is a quintessentially British drink so what better way to commemorate P&O Cruises 180 years of history than with our own exclusive blend.

“This must-try gin experience will not only give a taste of far-flung destinations but will provide a real talking point for guests.”

Anderson’s Gin will be available in all bars fleet-wide from June 10th.



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