Nestlé International Travel Retail takes confectionery centre stage at Singapore Changi Airport with disruptive KITKAT® Chinese New Year activation

Nestlé International Travel Retail (NITR) has unveiled an eye-catching Chinese New Year activation – for KITKAT® at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 in partnership with Lagardère Travel Retail. The confectionery space was secured after a competitive pitch and sees a festive twist on KITKAT’s VIB (Very Important Break) Lounge.

The promotion, running throughout January and February, provides a fun and playful twist on the airport lounge.

It includes an VIB Lounge interactive display, a KITKAT Senses Dessert Counter sampling station, KITKAT floor graphics and its centrepiece; a disruptive gold on red ‘moon gate’ shaped feature which draws attention to a back-wall screen displaying details of Chinese New Year promotional offers and festive messages.

The promotional messages of the campaign are reinforced by a hanging Chinese-style banner highlighting an exclusive 20% off selected KITKAT products including KITKAT Chunky and Share Bags.

Engagement with the activation is encouraged by the VIB Lounge interactive display at the front of the lounge space. Customers are invited to ‘upgrade’ by pressing a button, which gives the user a KITKAT-branded lucky red envelope (traditional for Chinese New Year), as well as fun ways to #LiveYourBreak through games, music and details of a gift with purchase (GWP).

Also making an appearance, as part of the campaign, is the KITKAT mock London red bus which has been successfully used in activations at airports including London Heathrow, Singapore Changi and Dubai Airports.

Designed to promote the KITKAT range, the bus has a small seat for selfie opportunities behind the wheel and incorporates a digital interactive screen that allows the consumer to select fun videos to play and/or write a personal message on the screen.

NITR General Manager Stewart Dryburgh said: “The bold branding which blends KITKAT red and Chinese New Year gold allows us to really stand out in the busy airport environment. We are delighted with this activation, which enabled us to engage consumers in this key retail space in Terminal 2 at the amazing Singapore Changi Airport.

“This disruptive campaign is a great example of how NITR is increasing the profile of our no.1 brand KITKAT in travel retail. It also helps to kick start what we are confident will be another successful year for Nestlé ITR, building on our ‘10 in 10’ strategy to double sales of the food and confectionery category to $10bn in the next 10 years.”



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