Molton Brown unveils TR exclusive support for its new Suede Orris fragrance

Molton Brown, London’s fragrance experts, is launching an exciting new fragrance collection into the P&C market, in the lead up to Mother’s Day on 31 March. Suede Orris will debut in travel retail stores in the UK on 6 March; on the same day as in the wider market but with a travel retail exclusive twist – a luxury illustrated gift box.

The new scent enables Molton Brown to tap into a new fragrance territory, as the brand moves to widen its range of luxury scents and reinforce its fragrance credentials. Created by perfumery’s rising star Jérôme Di Marino, the tag line for this new floral and powdery launch is “Soft Rules” alluding to both the softness of the fragrance and the total creative freedom the perfumer enjoyed to craft this fragrance.

“This fragrance came from my private collection, which is the key to enjoying unfiltered creativity. Upon discovering this, Molton Brown really embraced the lack of rules which led to a modern interpretation of the noble, Florentine precious perfumery gesture of orris-scented gloves. Rich, pure orris absolute is wrapped as a soft, smooth suede caress for a quietly confident scent.” Jérôme Di Marino, Perfumer

The Suede Orris travel retail campaign will run in airports, including Dufry World Duty Free stores such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow, as well as in Lagardère stores such as Luton and London City airports.

The TR exclusive gift box created for this occasion features suede swirls and iris flowers illustrations, reflecting the Suede Orris fragrance composition and the perfumer’s inspiration.
The elevated gift box – offered to TR customers for the purchase of Suede Orris products including an EDT, a bath & shower gel, a body lotion and a hair mist – will be available as part of a two-month travel retail campaign which will run until 5 May (subject to stock availability).

Other elements of the launch campaign for Suede Orris include printed labels inspired by the fragrance that can be applied to gift sets and bespoke gift boxes to bring a touch of personalisation to the gifting offer. Our customers can choose from ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘With Love’ to tailor their gift sets. A calligraphy event is also planned for London Heathrow T5 to elevate our customer experience during the campaign and bring further options of personalisation to the gifting offer in the run up to Mother’s Day.

In order to offer a unique sensorial experience and to finish Molton Brown’s traditional hand & arm massages, some TR counters will offer tattoos fragrant with Suede Orris EDT as an innovative way to experience the scent on their skin. These will be available at World Duty Free stores in London Heathrow T4 and T5, Gatwick North and South, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Birmingham and Aberdeen airports.

Rosie Cook, Senior Manager Global Travel Retail at Molton Brown, said: “Suede Orris is a stunning new luxury scent which opens up a new segment of customers for Molton Brown. Powdery fragrances are extremely on trend right now and its really exciting to introduce such an exciting fragrance within this growing category.”

“We’re delighted to support this new launch with travel retail exclusive activations such as the personalised luxury gift box. Mothers Day falls in the centre of this exciting campaign and this is the perfect range to offer our customers looking for that special gift or a treat for themselves of course!”



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