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Dobro došli u Duty Free Information, vaše središte informacija o svim bescarinskim i luksuznim trgovinama dostupnim u vodećim svjetskim zračnim lukama. Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za Toledo Zračna luka Duty Free shopping.
Oko Toledo Zračna luka (TOL)
Adresa: | 11013 Airport Hwy #11, Swanton, OH 43558, USA |
Grad: | Toledo |
Zemlja: | Brazil |
Telefon: | +1 419-865-2351 |
Web stranica: | |
Cvrkut: | |
Facebook: | |
Dolasci: | Toledo (TOL) Dolasci |
Odlasci: | Toledo (TOL) Odlasci |
Geografska širina/dužina | -24.68630028, -53.69749832 |
Karta: | Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke |
Recenzije: | No reviews. Click here to be the first to review Toledo Zračna luka. |
Toledo Zračna luka (IATA: TOL, ICAO: KTOL), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Toledo područje u Brazil. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Toledo Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 3 trgovine, 0 kavane, i 0 restorana na Toledo Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.
Toledo Airport, located in Ohio and just a short drive from the city of Toledo, is a small but bustling public airport that serves the greater Toledo area. It is owned by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority and is one of two airports serving Northwest Ohio. The airport has two runways and serves more than 1 million passengers each year on more than 90 daily flights to major cities like Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., and Detroit.
Toledo Airport offers a wide range of amenities for travelers, including rental car services and free Wi-Fi throughout the terminal. There are also plenty of shops, restaurants, and lounges located in the main terminal building offering everything from burgers to sushi to wine tastings, giving travelers plenty of options while waiting for their flight. Additionally, the airport offers direct access to downtown Toledo via its shuttle service, making it easy for those visiting the city to get around town quickly.
The airport has been an integral part of the Toledo community since its opening in 1927 when it was known as Metcalf Field. At that time there were only three hangars for aircraft storage and a single 3,500 foot runway – today there are 14 hangars housing corporate jets and charter planes as well as 2 10,000 foot parallel runways used for commercial flights taking off from or landing at Toledo Airport. In recent years efforts have been made to further improve air travel out of Toledo by increasing airside capacity as well as adding new commercial routes such as daily nonstop service to Houston beginning in late 2021.
Along with providing economic benefits to the region through job creation and increased tourism activity due to passenger activity at the airport itself comprises an important part of what makes up Toledo’s vibrant economy – many local businesses rely on Toledo Airport’s customers traveling through their establishments every day. These businesses range from hotels offering discounted rates to those flying out of Toledo Airport to restaurants catering food directly into terminals so that passengers can enjoy whatever they want right before take-off!
In 2020 due to a decrease in air travel nationwide due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions many airlines significantly reduced their schedule or completely stopped service at Toledo Airport altogether; however with conditions improving worldwide airlines are beginning once again increase their presence in Northwest Ohio with both American Airlines & Spirit Airlines recently announcing plans for expanded service at TOL in 2021. Even during these challenging times steps were taken by the Port Authority make sure flying remained safe by implementing increased health & safety protocols such as temperature checks prior entering terminals& additional cleaning procedures throughout facilities – all intended keep passengers safe while enjoying all that TOL has offer!
Često postavljana pitanja o Toledo Zračna luka
Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 3 različite trgovine oko Toledo Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.
- Cocktail Areas
- Food Courts
- Gift Shops
Toledo Zračna luka (TOL/KTOL) trgovine, restorani i objekti
Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Toledo Zračna luka:
- First Floor
- First Floor
- First Floor