Sialkot Zračna luka Duty Free

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Oko Sialkot Zračna luka (SKT)

Airport Road, Sialkot، Pakistan
+92 52 111 742 575
Web stranica:
Dolasci: Sialkot (SKT) Dolasci
Odlasci: Sialkot (SKT) Odlasci
Geografska širina/dužina
32.53555679, 74.3638916
Karta: Kliknite za prikaz karte zračne luke
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Sialkot Zračna luka (IATA: SKT, ICAO: OPST), je zračna luka koja poslužuje Sialkot područje u Pakistan. Pomaknite se prema dolje ili kliknite ovdje vidjeti što Sialkot Zračna luka trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji koje imamo u našem Duty Free Information 2025 Baza podataka. Trenutno u našoj bazi podataka imamo informacije o 1 trgovine, 1 kavane, i 8 restorana na Sialkot Zračna luka. Ako smatrate da su ovi podaci zastarjeli ili na bilo koji način netočni, molimo vas Kontaktirajte nas i natjerat ćemo naš tim istraživača da ispravi naše podatke.

Sialkot Airport is an international airport located in the city of Sialkot, Pakistan. It is one of the busiest airports in the country and serves as a hub for domestic and international flights. The airport was opened in 1933, making it one of the oldest operational airports in Pakistan.

The airport is spread over an area of around 400 acres and features a single runway measuring 4,200 meters long. The terminal building has two stories with a capacity to serve 800 passengers per hour while providing world-class services such as full body scanning machines, baggage handling facilities, duty-free shops, restaurants and lounges. Moreover, the airport provides many other essential services including cargo handling, air ambulance operations and air traffic control services.

The airport is connected to major cities within Pakistan by regular flights operated by domestic airlines such as Air Blue, PIA, Shaheen Air and Serene Air. International carriers like Etihad Airways also provide frequent flights to destinations including Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah from Sialkot Airport. In addition to these scheduled services there are several charter aircraft operators providing private jet chartering facilities from Sialkot Airport. The airport also serves as home base for Pakistan’s flag carrier airline – Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

The airport is equipped with advanced navigation systems that enable aircraft to land safely even during bad weather conditions. These include an Instrument Landing System (ILS) that helps pilots identify their landing spot quickly; Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) which helps pilots measure their distance from the runway threshold; Non Directional Beacon (NDB) which assists pilots in locating their position relative to the VOR station; Doppler VHF Omni Range (VOR) which allows pilots to calculate their bearing towards or away from a ground station; Radar Approach Control (RAPCON); Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR); Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS); High Intensity Runway Lighting Systems (HIRL); Precision Approach Path Indicator System (PAPI), etc. All these sophisticated systems ensure safe operations at all times at Sialkot Airport

Apart from its aviation activities, Sialkot Airport also serves as an important entry point for visitors traveling into Pakistan for both business and leisure purposes due to its close proximity to many major cities like Lahore and Islamabad. The local government of Punjab has also proposed constructing an industrial park near the airport that would help boost economic activity in the region through increased employment opportunities and foreign investment opportunities.

Overall Sialkot Airport offers convenience for both business travelers as well as tourists looking for a quick getaway into some breathtakingly beautiful places within Pakistan while ensuring safety of operations through its state-of-the-art navigation systems installed within its premises!

Često postavljana pitanja o Sialkot Zračna luka

Potrebno je otprilike 30 mins voziti 9.8 mi (15.8 kilometara) između središta Sialkot i Sialkot Zračna luka, čineći ga dovoljno pristupačnim da olakša i prilagodi sve planove putovanja. Pobrinite se da stignete na vrijeme kako biste iskoristili priliku da istražite mogućnosti duty-free kupovine koje se nalaze unutar SKT zračna luka, gdje možete kupiti ekskluzivne parfeme i kolonjske vode, cigarete, alkohol, prehrambene artikle, slastice i suvenire od Pakistan.

Dostupne su opcije vanjskog parkiranja. Ne zaboravite da također možete odlučiti ostaviti svoj automobil kod kuće, zahvaljujući mnogim alternativama javnog prijevoza koji vas mogu odvesti do i od Sialkot Zračna luka.

Kada stignete u zračnu luku, imate mogućnost napuniti se gorivom za svoje putovanje koje slijedi tako što ćete nešto pojesti u bilo kojem od 9 dostupni restorani i kafići, ili zašto ne biste krenuli ravno prema mogućnostima bescarinske kupovine na the 1 različite trgovine oko Sialkot Zračna luka? Nabavite poklon u posljednji trenutak za voljenu osobu ili se razmazite zasluženim suvenirom s putovanja.

  • Sweets and Baker’s

  • Chicken Mack'ay
  • Coffee Equation
  • Hugs & Mugs
  • Mackay
  • McDonald's
  • Mr. COD Fish & Chips
  • Nirala Sweets
  • Subway
  • Tuck Shop

We do not have this information in our database.


Airport Road, Sialkot، Pakistan



+92 52 111 742 575

Sialkot Zračna luka (SKT/OPST) trgovine, restorani i objekti

Trgovine, barovi, restorani, kafići i sadržaji u Sialkot Zračna luka:

Airport Inner Lounge
Chicken Mack'ay
CIP Lounge
Coffee Equation
Hugs & Mugs
Mr. COD Fish & Chips
Nirala Sweets
Sweets and Baker’s
Tuck Shop

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