Santos Dumont Lentokenttä Veroton

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Tietoja Santos Dumont Lentokenttä (SDU)

Praça Sen. Salgado Filho, s/n - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20021-340, Brazil
Kaupunki: Rio De Janeiro
+55 21 3814-7070
Saapumiset: (SDU) Saapumiset
Lähdöt: (SDU) Lähdöt
-22.91049957, -43.1631012
Kartta: Klikkaa nähdäksesi lentoaseman kartan
Santos Dumont Airport Duty Free
3,8 rating based on 12 345 ratings
Overall rating: 3.8 out of 5 based on 10 reviews.
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Santos Dumont Lentokenttä (IATA: SDU, ICAO: SBRJ), on lentokenttä, joka palvelee Rio De Janeiro alue Brazil. Selaa alaspäin tai klikkaa tästä nähdäksesi mitä Santos Dumont Lentokenttä kaupat, baareja, ravintoloita, kahviloita ja tiloja, joita meillä on meidän Duty Free Information 2024 Tietokanta.

Usein kysytyt kysymykset Santos Dumont Lentokenttä

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Praça Sen. Salgado Filho, s/n - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20021-340, Brazil

Rio De Janeiro


+55 21 3814-7070

Mitä Duty Free -myymälöitä ja ravintoloita on Lentokenttä (SDU/SBRJ)?

Tällä hetkellä meillä ei ole tietoja tästä lentoasemasta. Ota yhteyttä alla olevaan osoitteeseen, niin saamme tutkijaryhmämme päivittämään tietokantaamme.

Ota yhteyttä

Lentokenttä Arvostelut

Excellent airport! Needs more food options, but is beautiful and comfortable. Very well architected.
- Alana Pereira de Santana

Muita confusão para embarcar devido ao fechamento do Aeroporto de Vitória, Eurico de Aguiar Salles. Muito confuso.
- Stéfano Costa

This airport is awful. The air conditioner system doesn't work. Extremely hot in the check in and arrival areas. There was no water on the toilets, the smell was so disgusting that I couldn't bear be there. My worst experience in an airport. If possible, I'll never come back. I can't end this review without saying anything about the infinite lines during the check in, international flights are faster!!!
- Lucas Carvalho

Flight delayed due to weather conditions. All previous flights were canceled and we were to close to lose our connection in GRU on our trip back to COR. The people from the airline were there doing their best but there was a lot of confusion between the passengers from all the flights. They might want to improve communication the next time to keep us all informed and avoid long queues where is not necessary.
- Martin Aberastegue

Localization is wonderful, right in Rio`s city center. Landing or taking-off from this airport are almost a panoramic flight, absolutely spetacular. Easy acessibility by public transit, and most of the taxi rides are short trips, but the line for getting into one can get very long, specially in rainy days. Good offer of restaurants and shops, despite being often very expensive. Security check most of times very easy and pratical boarding area, not too small nor too huge. It can get crowded, however, in peak hours in workdays due to the high amount of people heading mainly to Sao Paulo. It can remain closed for hours under bad weather conditions like heavy rain or fog.
- Nuno R de A Graça

A beautiful and pratical airport, on Rio's Downtown, it is very easy to arrive. It usually gets crowded but that night it was quite empty. Air conditioning was fine, but prices for food and services are very high. Security check and boarding were good.
- Nuno R de A Graça

vale muito chegar e partir pelo santos dumont, a vista adquirida de pouso ou decolagem pelo SDU é unica e impressionante, o aeroporto também é muito bom, e agradavel, e se voçê gosta de uma aventura sem duvidas o santos dumont é pra voçê, devido a uma pista bem pequena voce pode sentir toda potência da aeronave tanto pra subir como pra frenar se prepare pra um pouso e decolagem impressionante
- Pedro Lucas Frazão

The scenery here is jaw-droppingly beautiful. If my soul ever has to be going through an airport in the afterlife, this will be the one I want.
- Mike Jahncke

The tram connects the airport to the bus terminal. R$3.8 You will need to buy a card. Alternatively a bus "Expresso" connects the airport to the beach neighborhoods (Botafogo, Copacabana, Ipanema), R$16. Free wifi.
- Marina

Flying in or out of Santos Dumont is always a spectacle. There's simply no better view. The airport is comfortable and of reasonable size. It can get crowded, but nothing that would bother me. It can get a bit hot inside the terminal, but I've come to expect that from most places in Rio. Baggage claim can get very crowded, so avoid check-in luggage when flying to Santos Dumont.
- Guilherme Rodrigues
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