Knob Creek® Bourbon Celebrates 25 Years With Limited Edition Anniversary Release – American Whiskey News

Knob Creek® Bourbon Celebrates 25 Years With Limited Edition Anniversary Release

Clermont, KY (June 15, 2017) – In 1992, Sixth Generation Beam Master Distiller Booker Noe created Knob Creek® Bourbon to restore the standards of pre-prohibition style whiskey, pushing the boundaries of an entire category with the introduction of super-premium, small batch bourbon.

Twenty-five years later, Booker’s son and SeventhGeneration Master Distiller Fred Noe is celebrating this milestone with the launch of an exclusive, limited-edition release ­– Knob Creek® 25th Anniversary Bourbon. Uniting the signature whiskey making styles of Booker and Fred Noe for the first time, Knob Creek 25th Anniversary Bourbon is a cask strength and unfiltered1 single barrel bourbon, aged in barrels for twelve-to-thirteen years and personally selected by Noe for this historic occasion.

“When Dad introduced Knob Creek and the Small Batch Bourbon Collection 25 years ago, he created it with the flavor, care and craftsmanship that defined high-quality, full-flavored bourbon,” said Noe. “I am honored to keep this tradition alive every day, and am proud to celebrate 25 years with our fans by releasing a special product that features Dad’s preferred ‘uncut and unfiltered’ style, combined with my passion for single barrel bourbons.”

With this unique combination, Knob Creek 25th Anniversary offers fans the truest expression of Knob Creek Bourbon, as close to standing in the rack house as possible. It features slight nuances in proof and tasting notes within each bottle, while still holding true to the brand’s overall taste profile. Each commemorative bottle is presented in a premium, wooden box and features a special label, including a handwritten bottling date and proof.

Knob Creek 25th Anniversary Bourbon is available nationwide in limited quantities for a suggested retail price of $129.99 for a 750ml bottle. This commemorative release offers the below characteristics, with each bottle’s unique tasting notes varying slightly:

  •        Age: Between 12 ­– 13 years
  •        Proof: Cask strength varies by barrel, ranging from 120 to 125 proof
  •       Color: Deep amber
  •       Taste: Each bottle features nuanced variations of deep, full vanilla with a surprisingly sweet and nutty flavor
  •        Aroma: Each bottle features nuanced variations of robust vanilla and caramel; slightly smoky, complemented by rich notes of oak
  •        Finish: Long and full

In addition to the launch of Knob Creek 25th Anniversary Bourbon, 2017 proves to be an exciting, milestone year for Knob Creek and its fans. The brand launched a new campaign, titled “This Creek Runs Full,” at the start of the year driven by multiple consumer touchpoints, including print, social and digital media; out-of-home advertising; experiential on- and off-premise activations; and public relations. The brand also recently unveiled a new website, which will be expanded to include an e-commerce page later this summer, featuring merchandise and apparel for consumer purchase. In addition, Knob Creek is excited to collaborate with the Goose Island Beer Company on their Black Friday release of Bourbon County Reserve Brand Stout, aged in Knob Creek bourbon barrels.

For more information about this release or Knob Creek’s 25th anniversary, please visit the newly updated or contact

About Knob Creek® Bourbon

Knob Creek® Bourbon has been making extraordinary full-flavored bourbon with intriguing taste and bottled in unique flask shaped packaging for 25 years. Aged in new, charred American Oak barrels and bottled at an honest 100 proof, Knob Creek® Bourbon upholds the standard for what great bourbon ought to be with its big, full signature flavor. Launched in early 1992, at a time when the term “super-premium” bourbon didn’t exist, Knob Creek® Bourbon is named after the small town in Kentucky where President Abraham Lincoln was born. In recent years, Knob Creek has expanded its portfolio releasing Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve (120 proof / 60% alcohol by volume) in 2011 and Knob Creek Rye (100 proof / 50% alcohol by volume) in 2012 and Knob Creek Smoked Maple (90 proof / 45% alcohol by volume) in 2013.

About Beam Suntory Inc.

As the world’s third largest premium spirits company, Beam Suntory is Crafting the Spirits Brands that Stir the World. Consumers from all corners of the globe call for the company’s brands, including the iconic Jim Beam and Maker’s Mark bourbon brands and Suntory whisky Kakubin, as well as world renowned premium brands including Knob Creek bourbon, Yamazaki, Hakushu and Hibiki Japanese whiskies, Teacher’s, Laphroaig, and Bowmore Scotch whiskies, Canadian Club whisky, Courvoisier cognac, Hornitos and Sauza tequila, EFFEN and Pinnacle vodka, Sipsmith gin, and Midori liqueur.

Beam Suntory was created in 2014 by combining the world leader in bourbon and the pioneer in Japanese whisky to form a new company with a deep heritage, passion for quality, innovative spirit and commitment to Growing for Good. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Beam Suntory is a subsidiary of Suntory Holdings Limited of Japan. For more information on Beam Suntory, its brands, and its commitment to social responsibility, please visit and

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